More Secrets

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More Secrets

            Godric was hovering over Arabella protectively, not even letting him or his sisters near her. Alex was freaking out because every now and then Ara would scream in pain. Scott was trying to keep them calm but he was freaking out himself. He had sensed the man in the diner was an angel and a powerful one at that. His angel hadn’t looked concerned but now she was stuck in bed screaming in pain, and being hovered over as if she were dying. Scott’s blood ran cold, both with the fact that he’d just referred to her as his angel and because she was dying.

            That was weird. The only people he’d ever felt that way for was his sisters. And now he was freaking out over a girl he’d met yesterday. Interesting… That was something he was going to need to further investigate later. Right now he was just going to try and figure out what was wrong with Ara.

            He walked up to the bed again and Godric growled. Literally growled. Scott finally snapped. “Back off, dude. I care about her too.” He yelled.

            “I’ve known her longer!” Godric hollered.

            “And she’s my…” He forced himself to trail off because his sisters where in the room. He was going to yell that she was his guardian angel. But that would have endangered his family. But now Godric was looking at him like he was public enemy number one.

            “She’s your what?” He demanded in a low voice.

            “You know exactly what.” Scott said in an even lower voice. Godric’s eyes cleared and the murderous tint disappeared from his face.

            “Oh right.” He sounded less like he was going to rip Scott’s arms off and beat him with them. But he still didn’t sound happy.

            “Seriously, man. I care about her too. So please, back off of me and back off my sisters. They’re just as scared as you are. Ara seems like the type of girl that just doesn’t go down and to see her like this… It’s scary and it’s almost painful to watch. Talking to her or at least being able to be around her would make everyone a little less edgy. So back off.” Scott was trying to keep his anger and fear out of his voice but failed miserably. Godric looked at Scott’s sisters then moved back away from the bed.

            Alex flew to the bed and almost threw herself on Ara, but Scott caught her around her waist. “Alex, you have to be careful, you know that.”  She was shaking and had tears running down her face.

            Livvy was shaking and pale. “Are you guys gonna be okay? Do you want me to take you home?” She was shaking her head before his sentence was finished.

            “I’m not okay, don’t think I will be but I refuse to go home. Ara needs us. You guys may know more about… Whatever it is she does, but I know more about being a woman. I don’t think she wants a guy helping her with things like showering or going to the bathroom. I’m staying here as long as she needs me.” His sister muttered.

            “I don’t want to leave either.” Alex whispered. Scott shook his head.

            “Al, you can stay here until tonight. Then you and Liv have to go home. You guys have school tomorrow.”

            “I’m staying here.” Livvy and Alex said loudly together. Ara moaned and her eyelids fluttered.

            She paled even more and opened her eyes. “Godric…” She whispered in a pained voice. Scott didn’t understand the disappointed feeling that suddenly swamped him. Of course she’d want Godric when she woke up. He was, after all, another angel.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2012 ⏰

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