Chapter 7- I'll Make You A Deal.

Start from the beginning

"You sure?" Jesse asked.

I nodded and watched as Jesse walked off upstairs, probably to explain to the others what's going on. There was glass everywhere and Jace's head was turned away from me. His breathing could be heard from the other end of the kitchen, his muscles In his back could be seen through his t-shirt and they were tensed. I carefully walked over to Jace, making sure not to stand on any of the glass that lay broken on the kitchen floor. I put both my hands on Jace's back and slowly rubbed his back, calming him down. "Jace" I said, turning him around.

Tears were streamed down his face and he looked like he was about to break. I wrapped my arms around him as he buried his head in my neck and sobbed. "It's okay baby" I whispered as his grip on me tightened.

"Please don't leave" He said, his voice was weak and broke at the end.

"I'm not going anywhere" I whispered. "I promise" I said kissing the side of his head. "C'mon, let's go to bed"

I grabbed his hand and dragged him upstairs. The bad boy wasn't all bad, he just had problems that he didn't want to share. "You okay now?" I asked Jace as I knelt down on my knee's in front of him.

"Yeah, sorry" Jace said looking at me.

"Don't be, it's alright" I smiled leaning up and kissing him. "I'm going to go get changed"

"Do you want a t-shirt?" Jace asked.

"Please" I said standing up along with Jace. He went over to his draws and pulled out a plain white t-shirt, handing it to me.

I went to walk over to his bathroom. "You know you can change in here" Jace said.

"I know" I smiled, walking into the bathroom. I took my shoes and jeans off before removing my top, replacing it with Jace's white t-shirt that wen down mid-thigh on me. I looked myself over, my face was pretty badly bruised, my stomach had a bruise and so did my thigh.

Being a bad girl, and being tough and strong, it's hard work. I huffed, grabbed my clothes and walked back out the bathroom. Chucking my clothes on the floor, I looked up to see Jace led on the bed in grey jogging bottoms and no top.

I walked nervously over to him and sat on the bed. "Hey" Jace said kissing my cheek.

"Hey" I said looking down playing with my fingers.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Nothing" I smiled, looking at him.

"What is it?" He asked.

I couldn't tell him the truth, I couldn't tell him that Mr Prescott was the one that put the hit on his parents. I couldn't tell Jace that in order for him to be safe, I had to die.

"It's nothing I promise" I said with a weak smile. I looked down at my thigh and traced the bruise lightly.

"Does it hurt?" Jace asked kissing it.

"A little" I said.

"Is that the only one?" Jace asked looking at me.

I lifted up the t-shirt revealing the bruise that lay on my stomach. "There the only ones"

"I'm sorry" Jace said pulling me into his lap.

"You didn't do this Jace, I went in there knocking anything could happen" I said cupping his cheeks.

"I should've been there to protect you"

"You can't protect me from everything Jace" I said

"I can try"

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