Death of a flower - Part 11

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( Marilyn Manson -  Down in the park ) 

Thank you to everyone who has commented and liked this story.  It really means a lot to me and I love interacting with you guys! I write this for you and the MIW cult...LOL

" Daddy! "   Raven's eyes snapped open in the dark nasty smelling room.  Her head felt like it was filled with shards of glass and she could taste blood in her mouth.  She tried to sit up and was restricted by the cuffs that were connected to chains.  Disorientated she tried not to panic. She could vividly recall  her fathers face as he fell forward and the men she recognized instantly. This was not the way she had fantasized about how her first meeting would go.  Crying she tried to see in the dark and couldn't.  She heard the rats and that made things worse. Rats and spiders made her skin crawl. 

" Well well.  Raven Winters, Black hair, Hazel eyes, five feet one. Age 16 and only licensed for six months. " 

" Why do you have my wallet. "   She was foggy and scared but her voice was sharp. She hated that she couldn't see him.

"  Shouldn't you be more worried about what is going to happen to you?  why you are chained to bed in a dark spooky basement? "  

"  You killed my daddy. "  Her voice softened as she tried not to show him her fear. 

"  And I will kill you just as easily if you fight us.  Your not the first and you won't be the last, I assure you. " 

"  What are you going to do? "  Her heart seed up as Ghost lit a lantern, casting weird shadows over the walls and his pale face. 

" Anything I want. "   He walked over to her and knelt down.  His black nailed hands stroked her hair before tightening on her chin.  He locked eyes with her as he lightly slapped her.  "  You can either enjoy it or resist and feel pain like no other.   I am your master as is Chris and Ricky from now on. Am I clear? " 

"  Your supposed to be dead...." Her voice trailed off as she began to shake. 

"  Is that what they think?  Well, sweetheart I am very much alive and in need.  "  His fingers brushed her collarbone, tugged at her black studded collar  and slid down into her shirt.  He was delighted to find she had a ring in each nipple.  He tugged on one, making her gasp. 

" Please don't hurt me. "   She tried to keep her expression neutral, but his tugging on her rings made her instantly wet and it was Ghost for Christ sake.  He had been one of her biggest crushes from the moment she had see their first video. She had to be dreaming.....Oh no....His fingers sliding along her inner thy was no dream.  His thumb rubbing her hard clit was no joke.  He was going to finger her right there?

"  Baby?  Are you going to come to bed? "   Lilly stood in the doorway looking pissed. She and Chris had come back hours ago and she had been waiting for Ghost to come back up for over an hour. 

"  Go away. "   He growled at Lilly. 

" Fine, but keeping them here is a really bad idea.  We need to move or get rid of them. "

" Don't tell me what to do. " 

"  Oh yeah?  What are you going to do?  Spank me? " 

He was off his feet and grabbing Lilly by the throat before she could move.  She punched him a few times and bit his arm but she was no match for and enraged Ghost.  He lifted her off her feet as he chocked her until she stopped moving.  He then dropped her and dragged her down the hall to another room.  He ripped her cloths off and stuffed her panties in her mouth.  He was so hard it was painful.  He tossed her face down onto an old cobweb covered desk and stuck his cock in her tight pussy.  Lilly moaned softly as he began to rail on her cunt as hard as he could. He pulled her head back with one hand and held her in place with the other.  He let go of her hair long enough to grab a long piece of rope from the wall.  He tied her arms tightly before he flipped her over.

" Remember that fantasy you always told me about...The one where I fucked you to death...Well that's about to come true.  " He kissed her hard, loved that she was kissing him back, lifting her hips into his thrusts as she came like a freight train around his stiff cock.  He wrapped more rope around her neck, once twice and began to slowly roll it around his fist, cutting off her air.  She bucked under him, her green eyes flying open as she tried to speak.  He locked eyes with her, still driving his cock deep into her wet folds until he exploded inside her.  He sucked on her hard nipples, as he put his fingers in her ass and made her dying body jerk as she came once more.  He kissed her gently as he closed her eyes and pulled himself free of her tight cunt.  He felt nothing as he left her there on the desk, his juices dripping down her cold thy.  He tucked himself into his jeans and left the room.  He paused to check on Doc who was out cold and went up the stairs to the kitchen.  He was bone tired and hungry.  Chris eyed him warily from the chair by the fire.  They said nothing to each other as Ghost made himself some food and grabbed a drink from the fridge. 

" Where's Lilly?  "  Chris asked rather casually after a few minutes.  She said she was going to check on you?

" Does it matter? "  Ghost smirked. 

"  What did you do? "  Chris's eyes darkened. 

"  She was a cunt, We don't need her.  " 

"  Was? "  Chris almost leaped out of his chair as he ran for the stairs with Ghost laughing behind him. 

Chris went from room to room in a blind panic until he hit the last one and saw Lilly dead on the desk.  He fought back tears as he went to her and held her dead weight to his chest.  His tears fell into her hair as he stroked her cold face.  He picked her up and carried her upstairs. Ricky came out of nowhere to stare at the dead girl in Chris's arms.  He looked shocked as Chris carried her past him and up the steps, disappearing from his view. 

"  Damn Ghost!  What the hell! "   Ricky stared at the grinning man on the couch. 

"  She couldn't keep her mouth shut so I shut it for her. "  

Ricky shook his head and went away. Ghost finished his meal and reached for the game controller.  It was time to play some Bio-shock.

A Ghost in the fog  ( A companion story to A Fatality Of Snow )Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat