A hell of her own - Part 5

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( Video- Seasons after - Cry little sister )

in the suffocating blackness of the musty smelling room, Janett lay chained by the wrists to a metal bed frame.  Blindfolded, She ached all over and her mouth felt like it had been stuffed with cotton. She fought to stay awake, fought to not be nauseated by the smell that wanted to crawl into her nose and live there.  It was a horrid mix of rancid old blood and a sick smell that made her skin crawl.  She knew she was lucky to have not been beaten or raped as soon as they had put her in the car and she wondered if perhaps Lilly's presence had been a deterrent.  She had known going in that any number of things could happen to her.  They had trained her well in the academy before she had taken the job at the hospital and been recruited to track down the missing band members, although she had not expected things to go so horribly wrong. 

Lucky to be alive she knew she was hurt.  She thought that maybe a rib or two were broken. She fought her fear as she tried to focus on the things around her.  The chains that connected to the straps around her wrists and legs. She was proud of getting off a punch to Ricky's face before he backhanded her, knocking her to the floor and chaining her up.  She could feel the lumpy mattress under her back and the sounds of....Rats?  Oh god, not rats...

"  Comfy? Janett.  "  His voice was soft and melodic in her ear, making her flinch away from him. " Or should I call you faith. " 

"  Don't. "  She swallowed her fear. 

" Don't what. "  Chris chuckled softly. 

"  Touch me. "  She tried to keep the panic out of her voice.  "  Or at least think about it before you do. " 

"  You really think I give a shit about any of  them?  And they can't claim anything that I have already made mine. "   His breath was hot in her ear.  "  Did you miss me? I missed you."  His mouth came down onto hers, his tongue forcing it's way into her mouth.  He broke the kiss yet continued to stroke her face and hair.  "  My my how you have changed. "   His gloved hands roamed her full breasts over the fabric of her torn shirt.   "  Did you really think you could track me down without my knowledge?  Have you forgotten that I have eyes everywhere?  You never made a move that I didn't know about....Going to school, joining the academy, getting the job at the hospital.  How everyone was so proud of your achievements after all that you had been though....Surviving the murders....the rape....And your quest to bring your attacker to justice.

" Where is she? "  Faith growled softly.  " Where is moth and the others? " 

" You really think I am just going to tell you all my secrets because you demand to know.  Seems like your the one who needs to be answering my questions, like why you tried to even find me in the first place.  I gave you a gift...I gave you your life and you betrayed me. " 

"  You sick piece of shit.  You beat a girl almost to death.  You beat and raped countless women and think I should be grateful to be alive? "  

Chris backhanded her.  His gloved hand going up under her chin, clamping her jaw shut.  His fingers pinching her nose shut.  "  I can fix that problem bitch. " 

Faith's head swam as she fought for air.   She bucked on the bed as she struggled against his hands.  She knew she was fucked but was not going to go quietly. 

"  What the hell are you doing! "   Ghost stood in the doorway with a tray of food.  He dropped it and lunged at Chris. 

They rolled over the dirt floor, punches flying.  Ricky and Lilly appeared in time to see Ghost putting Chris into a headlock.  Ghost stopped just short of breaking his neck.

Ricky looked concerned as Lilly shouted at them.   "  Do it! Break his neck. "  

It made Ghost break away from Chris.  He glared up at Lilly as he got to his feet. Going to the bed he looked down at the doc.  He was pissed beyond belief.  Had Chris lost his mind?  He wanted the doc alive, at least for now.   "  Get him out of her Ricky. "   Ghost wiped at his face. 

"   You can't watch her twenty four seven. "  Chris snarled as Ricky pushed him  towards the door. 

"  You should have killed him. "   Lilly looked disappointed as she hung back by the door.

" Get out. "  Ghost gave the girl a death glare.  he waited for her to leave before he knelt down next to the bed.  " Lean anything yet? "  he smirked as he pulled her blindfold off. 

"  You should have let him kill me. "   Faith turned her head away from him. 

"  Oh no.  Your not getting out of this so easily.  You and me have unfinished business. "  He stood up and got the soda can.  the bread was dirty but if she was hungry enough she would eat it.

"  No thank you. "  

" Fine by me.  Wanna tell me why he tried to kill you? "   His long fingers brushed the blond strands of hair out of her eyes. 

"  Isn't that what you do...Kill people?  "  She lifted her chin at him, eyes dark with emotion.

"  I tend to fuck them up and then fuck them...."   His eyes roved over her curves. How he wasn't ripping her cloths off he didn't know. 

"  Maybe you should be paying attention to your girl then. "  

"  Seems like Ricky and Chis are taking good care of her for me.  Stupid slut. "  

Faith saw the opportunity and jumped.  "  You really should put her in her place and let them know that they can't just fuck your girl while you are locked up.  What kind of friends are they? and what kind of girl betrays her man in such a way? "   

Yeah...."  Ghost's eyes seemed to change in the dim light that came from the bare bulb above their heads.   "  Show them who's in charge. "  He stood up, leaving the can unopened and the food next to her head.  He left the room without saying a word, making sure to lock the door and take the key with him when he left.  

With ghost gone and the door locked, Faith let the sobs burst from her aching, tired body.  She had just bought herself some time but how much?  She needed to think up a plan to get out of there but she was so very tired and couldn't keep her eyes open any longer.  She would just take a short nap and hope they would let her out to pee soon.

A Ghost in the fog  ( A companion story to A Fatality Of Snow )Where stories live. Discover now