~ Freedom ~ Part 1

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When your locked up all you have is time to think.  Time to dwell on your mistakes and what landed you into this horrible place.  You can't sleep due to the noises, screams that you didn't create but yet are forced to listen to.  Horrible food, bad attitudes and lack of health care. Luckily for me the other inmates knew what i was in for and stayed well out of my way.  I didn't even try to socialize with them and that's how it went in an endless parade of eat , sleep, and maybe see the sun if I was lucky. 

I thought i would rot in this place until the day they brought me to a small room where three guards and two other personnel chained me to chair.  When the door opened the spit dried up in my mouth.  She was tall, thin and very blond.  Even though she tried to hide it under frumpy suites she had a body that wouldn't quit.  She wore glasses to try and look smart and she carried a massive folder full of papers.  She smiled sweetly at me and all I could  think about what how she would look naked and tied up with a blade pressed to her throat.  Was she a screamer? 

"  Good afternoon, Mr Sola.  I hope they at least told you why you are here? "  

"  Not to get laid I take it.  "   I grin at her and she flinches yet tries to hide it. 

"  Ahh.  My name is Janett Powel and I'm researching a book that is being written about killers and their mental state.  Many people think that there might be a way to lessen sentences or even reverse judgments if we can find the link between metal illness and developmental issues in children and the lack of empathy that tends to show up in people who commit horrendous crimes. 

" So all I have to do is tell you how horrible my childhood was?  "   I snorted as I smirked.  " A book hu. So what do I get if I tell you my secrets?  I'm not talking about anything unless I get some kind of deal. Can I go back to the day room now? "  

"  Well..."   She flipped though her stack of papers and photos.  I do have permission to help you if you help us.  There are several missing girls still unaccounted for and I think you know where they are and what happened to them.  Did you know that your last victim...The girl in the hospital is actually missing as well?   Right from her hospital bed...."   

" Well shit.  You know I can't teleport my ass out of this hell hole so I can't help you with her. "

"  So, Mr Sola....can we talk?  " 

"  About what?  your panties and what color they are? "    This got me hit by the guy behind me with the butt of his gun.

"  Funny. "   She kept her frozen smile in place as she sat down across from me. "  I told you that you help me and we could help you.  I have authorization to take you to our facility.  We do testing and studies in exchange for a lesser sentence.  Some have even been found not guilty of the crimes they supposedly committed. " 

"  Why me?   You know what they say I did and I assume you have spoken to my baby mamma and the kid. "  

"  We have had contact with both of them.  They don't talk highly of you. Something about trying to kill them more than once. " 

"  She tripped. "   I smiled but it did not reach my eyes. 

" I have some paperwork i need you to fill out and then we can talk more. "  

She laid down a stack of papers and handed me a pen....was she stupid?   "  And what If I say no."

" Then you stay right here to enjoy the rest of your time in prison.  " 

I scanned the documents with a wary eye.  Why me?  Was it because of who I had been?  My band and why the hell were they not grilling the others.  Oh yeah, i was the only one still in prison.  I looked at her figure with a smirk as I pictured her laid out across the table, face down with her wrists an legs tied to the legs.  What a lovely thought that was and something I could file away and Jerk off to later. Maybe going to her  " facility "  wouldn't be so bad after all. Maybe they would give me the drugs that the prison wouldn't. 

" So what do you want to do Mr. Sola?  " 

" You get me out of this place and I will do whatever you want me to do sweetheart. Sing like a bird and let you poke me with your instruments if it means I don't have to spend another night in this dump. " 

"  Sign  the paperwork and I will see what we can work out.  "   Her dark blue eyes sparkled.  " Lets start with your childhood....."  

"  I hope you like a good horror story.  "   I grin.  " 

Late that night as the screams echoed off the walls I lay awake in my bunk.  My cock in hand as I recalled the faces of the missing and murdered girls spread out before me.  If they thought I had any remorse they would be wrong and if I got the chance to escape you better believe that I wouldn't think twice about it.   Miss Powel was a gift that I couldn't wait  to unwrap and play with.  I just had to keep playing their games and biding my time. If i had learned anything it was how to wait. 

A Ghost in the fog  ( A companion story to A Fatality Of Snow )Where stories live. Discover now