Welcome to the party - Part 10

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Chris heard the knock on the door and rushed out of the room, pulling his shirt on over his head.  He spotted Ghost holding Faith by the hair at the bottom of the steps and almost shoved them out of his way.  " Get downstairs. "    He growled at them. 

"  Who the hell would be at the door at this hour? "   Lilly padded down the steps, still rubbing at her jaw.  She didn't even look at Ghost as she passed them. 

" Help me!! "    Screamed Faith.  

Ghost slapped a hand over her mouth and picked her up.  He carried her the rest of the way down.  shackled her back up and put the ball gag on her.  He stroked her hair, his grey eyes dark with emotion.  "  If you push me one more time.... "  Perhaps that was his problem. He was soft for her and that could be dangerous. He kissed the top of her head and left her alone in the toy room. 

Upstairs, Chris opened the front door with a his trademark warm smile.  Oozing charm he grabbed Lilly and put his arm around her.  "   May I help you? "   He said loudly.

 There was an older man standing on the porch.  " Yeah. I'm lost and looking for this address.  Not sure you can help me but I had to try. " 

"  Oh uhhhh...Lost eh..well lets see. "   Chris took the paper from the man and gave him a slight shrug. "  It's probably on the other side of the camp grounds.  A lot of people go this way instead of the opposite side of the road.  Isn't that right sweetheart. " 

"  You guys OK? "   The man squinted at Lilly.  "  I thought i heard you scream. "  

"  We are on our honeymoon...."   Chris kissed her nose.  "  She's a screamer this one is. "

"  Out here? "   The guy looked around the old crumbling house.

"  Yeah. My baby loves to fix up old houses and we don't have a ton of money to spend on a getaway. "  Lilly beamed from under Chris's arm. 

"  What the fuck is this. "  Ghost stood behind them, peering over their shoulder.

"  Hello. I seem to be lost. "  The man was looking scared or confused and started to take a step back.

"  Oh he's just the painter. "   Lilly tried to cover, but the guy was backing up. She saw something in his eyes, fear perhaps or recognition.

"  I'm what? "  Ghost looked pissed. 

That was all the man needed to turn and try to run down the steps to his car.  Lilly glared openly at Ghost and reached for the gun by the door.   She aimed and shot the man in the back.  He fell forwards down the steps and stopped moving.  Inside the car a teenage girl sat up from the back seat and began to scream like a banshee. 

Chris and Ghost where out the door and down the steps before Lilly even knew what was going on. The gunshot brought Ricky running and he stopped at the door with is mouth hanging open. The girl inside the car was scrambling to lock the door but had trouble getting over the front seat. She accidentally unlocked all the doors and was being pulled by the ankles from the car. Ghost yanked her out and Chris grabbed her by her black hair and smashed her face into the car window.  She went limp in Ghost's arms and Lilly felt a pang of jealously.  Chris picked the girl up and slung her over his shoulder.  He nodded to Ghost who was headed back to the dead man on the steps. 

"  I got this if you want to take care of him. "  

"  Why should I take care of it. Lilly fucking shot him. "  He went up the steps past Lilly with an evil smirk. "  He's your mess to clean up. " 

"  I can't lift him! "   Lilly whined. 

" Well I suggest you figure it out then. "   Ghost went in past Ricky and followed Chris down to the basement.  Chris had tied the little goth girl to the bed that Faith had originally been on. Now they had two girls to mess with.  He wasn't sure he liked  that idea or not.  Chris was pacing as he rubbed his temples.

"  What the fuck just happened?  " 

"  I don't know but I think I like it. "  Ghost stroked the girls blood streaked face.  "  She's a nice little added bonus. "

" Look. About Faith..."  Chris said from the doorway.

"  I don't give a shit.  Do what you want with her. "   Ghost didn't even look up as Chris grinned.

"  There's my Ghostie.  Glad to have you back. " 

Chris slipped out the door and went back upstairs to see what Lilly was going to do with the dead man.  It was her chance to prove to him that she was more than just a fuck toy or dead weight.  He liked to use her to lure girls outside when he wanted to hunt.   She had tracked down Ricky and Ricky had sent her his way.  He had planned on killing her until he found out that Ricky had sent her to him and how they had planned on freeing Ghost.  If this new pet kept Ghost's attention off of Faith than all the better but Chris doubted that Ghost would, even for a second forget what had happened and not take it out on her.  They would just have to wait and see, unless Chris decided to bail and take Faith with him. 

"  Help her. "  Chris demanded of Ricky as he came into the room. 

"  You help her. "   Ricky said from the couch. 

Sighing Chris went out the door and down the steps.  He grabbed the man and dragged him to the car.  He put the man in the car and jumped into the front seat.  He motioned for Lilly to get in and peeled out of the drive, dust flying up as the car bounced over the road.  Squealing in the seat beside him Lilly reached over and cranked the volume on the car radio.

A Ghost in the fog  ( A companion story to A Fatality Of Snow )Where stories live. Discover now