"Alright, alright. I get it. If there's a transfer, where's the official notice? I don't understand anything right now."

"Arthit, don't worry. The official notice will be sent. Just bear with us for a bit. And by the way, Dan isn't the CEO anymore. Our new partner acquired the company two days ago and has taken over as CEO. You can't easily access him. I'm sorry, I won't be able to assist you much in this."

What the hell! I must be in a daze. I've been away from the company for just five days, and suddenly the whole world seems to have turned upside down. I feel like I've been transported to a new planet where I'm completely clueless about everything. I feel like a clueless fool who's missed everything that's been happening around him.

"What the... alright, so it's like this. Tell me who this new CEO is, and I'll talk to him. Please, do me this favor. I need to meet him. Please, help me arrange a meeting."

"Yes, I can do that. He's in the office now, overseeing the final settlement of the company. However, he won't be here for long. You should hurry if you want to meet him. I'll set up a meeting for you." I let out a sigh of relief. I'm not entirely relieved, but at least I'll have a chance to discuss this matter face-to-face. Who knows what will happen?

"Thank you, thank you so much, sir. I'll be there within half an hour."

"Alright, see you in the office then."

I hang up the call and rush to get dressed. I decide to take a cab to the office. Kongpob has been quite adamant about not letting me drive so soon after being discharged from the hospital. He's given me strict instructions about what to do and what not to do. According to him, I'm supposed to be resting today. But here I am, secretly going to the office. Please don't tell him. I'll be home before him, so everything should be fine, right? I can't risk losing my job; I have to talk to this new a*shole CEO. How could he do this?

This is so frustrating.  Ugghhh

I'll confront this new CEO, whoever he is. He can't just turn my world upside down like this. I was lost in my thoughts, feeling my emotions running wild, when I suddenly realized I was standing in front of the office building. I exit the cab, pay the driver, and head to the building's entrance. Inside the elevator, I press the button for my floor. As I step out onto the floor, I spot Wad. He looks surprised to see me since I'm not supposed to be here; I'm meant to be resting at home, according to those who know I was discharged only two days ago. I quickly share the situation with him, we exchange a few words, and I rush to knock on P' Tin's office door. He calls me in.

"Arthit, you're here. That's good, but I didn't manage to arrange a meeting with him. He's swamped with meetings and canceled all his appointments for today."

"But I'm already here. You know how important this is to me. I can't wait any longer. I won't back off now. I need to talk to him." I turn to get outside of P Tin's office. I heard him calling my name but I didn't listen. My future is on stake. I can't wait for anything.

I know the way to his office, so I stride purposefully towards it. A girl tries to stop me outside his office, but I ignore her. She might be his secretary, but it doesn't matter—I'm determined to meet the CEO. No one can stop me. I brush past her and push the office door open. And to my utter shock, I'm met with a room of silence. He breaks the silence by addressing me. He stands up from his chair and approaches me as he speaks.

"What are you doing here?" Before I can utter a word, his secretary enters the room. Kongpob pauses, looking at her. She starts apologizing profusely.

"I'm so sorry, sir. I tried to stop him, but he just walked past me. He didn't listen when I said you weren't available. He barged in. I'm really sorry, sir. I tried my best to stop him." She seems genuinely scared about what might happen next.

I Hate Him (fanfic Kongpob and Arthit)Where stories live. Discover now