This was embarrassing.

She looked at her friend and didn't know what to say.

Lilly was a good friend to Nicole and Nicole was usually able to speak to her with no problem.

Today was a different story.

"What's up with you, Nicole?" Lilly continued.

"Nothing. Why do you ask?" replied Nicole.

Of course, there was something wrong.

She couldn't stop thinking of what happened with Matilda.

Nicole wanted to talk to Lilly about Matilda but she didn't know where to start. Matilda had such a long history of being bad and there was too much to talk about. Nicole knew that she would be talking about Matilda for the next week because there was so much to say.

"Firstly, you hardly took any notes in the lecture, and secondly, you are still sitting here when everyone has gone," said Lilly.

"Oh," Nicole replied, she could feel herself blushing. This was so embarrassing.

"So, talk to me. What's going on?"

"How long have we go?"

Lilly looked at the time, "about two hours. Is that enough time?"

Nicole nodded. It would have to do.

So she talked about everything about Matilda that she could think of.

It all came out and Nicole hoped that it made sense.

"Wow," said Lilly after she had heard the long-winded explanation, "I can't believe what I am hearing."

"Yeah, and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Tasha is going to be devastated," replied Nicole.

"But you have to tell her. She has a right to know because this is her best friend we are talking about."

Nicole nodded.

"I can come with you, if you like. We are finished after our tutorial. The tutorial that we are actually running late for."

Nicole sat up. Two hours went extremely fast when she was the only one talking. She couldn't believe that they were still in the lecture theatre as well.

Nicole then looked at the time, "yeah, let's go."

"Is Tasha free this afternoon?" asked Lilly as the girls started walking to their tutorial room.

"Yes, she is. This will be a good excuse for you to get to know her boyfriend a little better," replied Nicole.

"They seem to be stuck together like glue, don't they?"

"They do."

Nicole was glad that Lilly said that she would come and talk to Tasha with her. Nicole knew that Tasha would have been devastated but she also knew that she had a right to know. So did Adam and, obviously, they would be together. At least Nicole would have been able to talk to them at the same time and she wouldn't have to repeat herself.

Nicole was also glad that Lilly had asked to come because she wanted her new friend to spend more time with her old friends. Nicole had introduced Lilly to her friends a number of times, but that was nothing special. All they really said was hello to one another and that was it. And at least they would get to talk today after they had a talk about Matilda.


Nicole and Lilly walked quite fast to Tasha's house and it wasn't long before they were there. And as soon as Nicole and Lilly entered, the girls couldn't stop noticing the state of the house. Amy, Mr Wilson and Mr and Mrs Miller were crowded in the lounge room and it was clear that Catania was with them. She seemed to be crying her head off and someone else was crying.

High School Story: University Continues (re-written)Where stories live. Discover now