"You might not have been comfortable, but she clearly was" I joke, and Cheryl and Whitney find it funnier than it actually was. Both of their heads are thrown back in a loud laughter and their laughs make my quick-witted joke even funnier so now I can't stop laughing either. I am sure that if we were somewhere else like a fancy hotel or an expensive holiday resort people would be complaining about the noise that our family make. We have been screaming with laughter all day, the children are wild and so are my friends, but nobody bats an eyelid here which does not surprise me because the families on this holiday site are just as loud, if not louder. They are tracksuit clad holidaymakers who just want to enjoy themselves without looking down their noses at other people.

Our laughter does attract the attention of the couple at the brunt of our jokes though because they are looking our way now and Cheryl is not happy about it. "Shit, they're waving at us" She hisses through her teeth. She is again trying to her face behind her hand and she is turning her body away from them and into my direction as if, if she does not look at them they will not see her. I wave back at them out of politeness, but it results in light kick from Cheryl under the table. "Don't fucking wave at them, they'll be over here in a flash!" Her little hand is clasped around my wrist and she is trying to pull my hand down, so I let her, and she slides her fingers between mine.

"Chez, I'm only being- "

"Nice, I know but never mind him having a thing for me, he has a thing for you!"

"What are you going on about?" I am laughing at her silliness but also at how serious she looks- like she actually believes what she is saying.

"He does and if I'm honest I think he gets a kick out of standing in front of you with his big thing poking out- "

"I wouldn't say big, I've seen bigger sausages at the butchers on Bay street" Whitney blurts out without thinking which is making us laugh once more. "To be fair though, Chez, I think the wife has a thing for you both... I've seen the way she was drooling over you earlier when you were putting your suncream on. She got up afterwards and there was a wet patch on her seat-"

As funny as Cheryl finds Whitney there is still a disgusted look on her face. "Don't be so filthy, no there wasn't!... Tell us there wasn't"

"Okay there wasn't but she was still making eyes at you, she has been all morning. Do you think they're swingers?"

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know but I wouldn't put it passed them, I mean just look at them!"

"Maybe you should ask them. I'm sure that they'd jump at the chance of getting you two in th-"

"Stop it, I really don't need those pictures in me head!" Cheryl stops Whitney before she has the chance to spew filth like she normally does and she is holding her hands over her ears.

I am relieved when the couple that we have shamefully been talking about for the past 15 minutes sit down at a table with their drinks and Alaina comes running over to us with Nadine, so it puts an end to the conversation. As soon as Alaina is at our table Cheryl wraps her in a big, pink, fluffy towel and lifts her onto her lap. "Did you like swimming with Auntie Nadine?" Cheryl asks her and pushes her wet hair out of her face.

Nadine smiles at Whitney and sits beside me at the table. "She loved it but I think she's getting tired now because every time someone would accidentally splash her she was screaming blue murder, normally she loves it" Nadine laughs and looks at Alaina who is happy to be cuddled in her mam's arms.

"I'm not tired" She whines but it is clear that she is. Her fist is rubbing at her eyes that are red from the chlorine and she is looking for the dummy that we are trying our hardest to get her off, but it is proving difficult just like it was with Paisley. Nadine chuckles and hands the pink dummy to Alaina and as soon as it is in her mouth she closes her eyes.

CHIM - Life in the limelight SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now