to you; 19.

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"We spend more time abroad than we do in LA." Corbyn moaned, "And we've barely mastered LA." We were packing for our trip to Mijas, of which Daniel had booked the flights. 

"Before we leave tomorrow, I was thinking we go to that coffee place." I said, "And you know... remember how we met."

"Sounds good." Corbyn nodded. We both laughed. 

"Y/N? CORBYN?" We heard as the door shut. I recognised the voice instantly, although Corbyn looked confused.

"KJ APA?" I shouted back. I heard a laugh.

"That would be me." I heard him say.

"Not this guy again." Corbyn sighed.

"I've come to drop off the key you gave me when you went to Hawaii," KJ shouted. Corbyn glared at me.

"Hey, I saw him in the phonebook and I got excited. Plus, what harm did it to? It's not like he would want to steal anything, he's as rich as us." I shrugged, heading downstairs. Corbyn followed.

"Hey." KJ nodded as we came down the stairs. I hugged him quickly, knowing it would annoy Corbyn if I hugged him for longer. My eyes widened.

I had made a sex tape with Zach. 

"Hi." I managed to say, trying to forget about the thought.

"You ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, fine." I nodded. KJ went to give Corbyn a quick bro hug before placing the keys on the table.

"Sorry for the short visit but I've gotta get to set in like twenty minutes." KJ apologised.

"Bye, KJ." I smiled.

"Bye." Corbyn shrugged.

"Bye." KJ grinned, letting himself out. As soon as the door shut, Corbyn made a disgusted noise.

"Oh, chill out." I rolled my eyes, "Come on. Let's go to that coffee shop." 

When we got there, we went inside, neither of us remembering anything. We wandered around, sat at a table and we got stares, but we didn't notice. We didn't remember anything.

"Can I get a coffee?" Corbyn asked.

"Yeah, sure. I'll wait outside." I sighed. I walked out of the coffee shop, disappointed. Maybe that memory was just a one-off. But, it was still weird that me and Corbyn remembered the same thing at the same time-

"I've got my coffee!" Corbyn announced. And that's when it started.

Flashback: being remembered. 

A tall, bleach blonde boy, bumped into me. Hot liquid dripped down me, making me wince and cringe.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." The boy said, brushing me down as if I'd fallen over. 

"It's ok." I lied. The liquid was burning my bare stomach, I was wearing a tank top. 

"I'm so sorry." He said again, he looked in the window where a younger boy with brown hair was standing, amused. "Napkins. Napkins." The blonde boy mouthed but also saying it out loud. "NAPKINS!"

The brown-haired boy realised and nodded, going off to get tissues.

"I'm y/n." I nodded, filling the silence.

"I'm Corbyn." Corbyn smiled, putting his hand out, "Nice to meet you, y/n."

Present day.

"Oh... oh my." Corbyn said, "I remembered."

"Same." I sighed, putting my face in my hands, "This is creepy."

"But progress." Corbyn nodded, "When we get the basics nailed down, we can finally figure out our past."

"I can't believe we met by you spilling coffee on me." I half-laughed, half-sulked. "How unromantic."

"Well, It's not like you were going to be drowning and I was a sexy lifeguard who saved you." Corbyn shrugged.

"Mm, you would make a good sexy lifeguard." I nodded.

"Why thank you." Corbyn smiled, blushing.

"Next stop Mijas." I sighed. 

"Guess what." Zach nudged Jack, "I got speedos."

"You didn't." Jack made a disgusted face and shook his head.

"Don't act like you don't wanna see me in speedos."

"Zach, you modelled them for me the other day-," Jack noticed me listening and blushed. "We're joking."

"Sure." I nodded, laughing. We were sitting down, waiting to board the plane. 

"You know, if we can't find wives, can't we just marry each other?" Zach asked Jack.

"Dude..." Jack sighed.

"No, think about it. Bros for life, right? Neither of us needs to worry about having a girlfriend, we already live together." Zach shrugged.

"And what if one of us finds someone?" Jack asked.

"What? I'm not good enough for you?" Zach sat up straight.


"No, you've said enough. Jachary is over." Zach said, getting up and walking around to sit next to Jonah.

"You fight like a married couple." I laughed.

"He acts like a needy girlfriend." Jack rolled his eyes.

"You two are so cute." I teased, "Will you two make up?"

"Please. He'll wanna sit next to me on the plane." Jack sighed, "Ah, I forgot my skateboard."

"Zach packed it." I nodded.

"Well, at least he's useful for something." Jack shrugged. People started to board the plane and we followed. Surely enough, Zach sat next to Jack but put his headphones in straight away. Jack gave me a tired look as I sat down next to Corbyn.

"I'm nervous." Corbyn half-whispered, fiddling with his hands in his lap.

"Why?" I asked.

"They said Mijas was where it all kicked off, right?" Corbyn said, looking up at me, "I'm nervous to find out what happened."

"Corbyn, it's only gonna be good things." I smiled.

"How do you know?"

"I just do." I shrugged, "It's gonna be alright."

"Yeah, yeah," Corbyn said, looking out the window and gazing at all the other planes. We started to move towards the runway. Corbyn's hands were shaking ever so slightly, so I took them in mine, squeezing them. His hands were always warm. 

Corbyn looked at our hands and smiled, before looking back up at me and give me a kiss. I smiled. 

"Can I tell you something?" I said, "Because, I mean, we're getting married and all."

"Yeah, sure." Corbyn nodded.

"Last time I could remember, I had... anxiety. It was strange because the day I woke up with you, it just... wasn't there." I said, "I mean, I was improving but... it was just gone."

"Wow..." Corbyn said, "Wow, I never knew that about you." 

"Suprise." I shrugged. Corbyn kissed me softly.

"I'm glad you told me." He smiled as we went faster and faster on the runway.

"About to remember our past, and how we started." I smiled, "You in?" Corbyn squeezed my hand as the plane left the ground.

"So in." He whispered, kissing me again.

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