takes one to know one; 11.

702 17 15

"Corbyn... CORBYN!" I shook him awake.

"W-what, baby?" Corbyn mumbled, turning over to face me. I tried not to laugh at his new nickname for me. 

"Corb, we've been offered a modelling opportunity."

"Both of us?"


"I thought I was the model?" Corbyn frowned.

"Well, looks like that's about to change." I smiled, looking at the e-mail. "It's for the new Calvin Klein advert. Whoa, Shawn Mendes and KENDALL JENNER are gonna be in it as well."

"When is it?" Corbyn asked, sitting up.

"Next week, the day after we get back." I nodded.

"Cool, cool." Corbyn yawned, "Wait, Calvin Klein? Does that mean we have to walk around in underwear?"

"It does, but have you seen the numbers of money on this?" I pointed at it.

"Yeah, because we're definitely not rolling in it already." Corbyn rolled his eyes.

"C'mon, this'll be fun." I smiled, nudging him.

"I don't know how I feel about everyone seeing my girlfriend in her underwear." Corbyn frowned.

"You're so overprotective, it'll be fine." I smiled.

"Ah baby, you always know how to convince me." Corbyn smiled, kissing me. 

"I'm gonna get in the shower." I headed to the hotel's large bathroom, got undressed and got in the shower. A few minutes into my shower, the door opened and I frowned. "Corbyn? I'm in the shower!" He pulled the shower curtain away and stepped in the shower, undressed.

"This is cute, right?" Corbyn smirked, holding one side of my face before kissing me. Then, he took the bottle of shampoo I was holding and squirted some on his hands before rubbing it in my hair.

"Are you washing my hair?" I laughed.

"Mhm." Corbyn nodded, putting my head under the shower to wash it out. 

"You are so goofy." I laughed. 

We walked along the beach, hand in hand until Corbyn started to sing under his breath. I tried to be silent and lean in so I could hear him. Whoa, he was so good at singing. So good.

"Hats off to the DJ, same song twice in an evening." 

"What song is that?" I asked.

"Oh... uh... I don't... I don't know." Corbyn frowned. I pulled out my phone and looked up my lyrics.

"Wait wait wait. Your band was called Why Don't We, right?" I said.

"Yeah, why?"

"The song you were singing is by your band, "I Don't Belong In This Club", have you heard it before?"

"No... no, I haven't."

"How... how the hell did you remember?" I stuttered.

"I don't know, I just kind of... know it." Corbyn shrugged.

"Do you remember any of your other songs?"

"Uhm... I don't think so."

"Do you think our memory will ever come back?" I asked.

"If it does, all the information is gonna hit us like a brick," Corbyn said, sitting down on the beach. 

"Yeah," I admitted.


"This isn't fair." I cried into Jonah's shirt, "This... i-isn't fair." 

"Come on... deep breaths." Jonah soothed, although I could feel him shaking. Jack was biting his nails, Zach had his head in his hands and Daniel was pacing the room. 

"Jonah, what if he-,"

"Do not go there, y/n." Zach gripped my shoulders. 

"He's gonna be fine. He's a fighter." Daniel said, it seemed like he was trying to convince himself. 

Later that night.

"Hey..." Zach whispered as I stood on the balcony, alone. 

"Hey." I sniffed.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, my boyfriend just got hit by a truck, I'm fine." I cried.

"Oh y/n." Zach pulled me in for a hug, "I'm so sorry."

"No, I am. You've known him for twice as long, it must be so must harder for you." I sobbed and Zach rubbed my hair.

"Y/n... y/n..." Zach cooed, "It's alright, it's gonna be fine." We pulled apart and stared at each other for a long time. Before I knew it, we were kissing and Zach's hands cupped my face. I broke off first and started to cry all over again.

"Zach, we can't do this."

"I know, I'm so sorry." Zach shook his head, "I'm such an idiot." There was a long silence. Zach inched closer to me and put an arm around my shoulders. "You know... Corbyn used to say that every time he looked at the night sky he thought of you."

"Because I'm his universe?" I asked.

"Exactly." Zach nodded.

"He would always try and convince me to go stargazing..." I sniffed, "We never did though."

Present day.

"Something about this feels so natural." I sighed as I snuggled into Corbyn. "Like we do this all the time."

"I get what you mean." Corbyn nodded, putting an arm around me.

"The floor is hard." I sulked. Corbyn picked me up and placed me on top of him, so my back was against his chest. He put a blanket over both of us. 

"Which one do you think is the brightest?" Corbyn asked.

"That one," I said, pointing to a star on the right.

"Mm yeah, I agree." Corbyn nodded, "I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled, "I really do, so much." I heard Corbyn chuckle and he kissed me on the forehead. 

"We should do this more often." Corbyn said, "Just stay in each other's company. I love it."

"Same." I chuckled.

"I can't believe we're going back tomorrow." Corbyn sulked.

"I know," I sighed, "Barbados is so beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you, my love." Corbyn smiled and kissed my cheek. 

"You're unreal." I smiled. We both laughed and Corbyn sat up and put me on his lap. He turned me around so we were face to face. Corbyn pressed his forehead against mine and we both smiled. Until, we both leaned in and kissed softly for a long time.

This was paradise, I never wanted to leave. Leave here or leave his side. Ever. 

Thank you @SCG0014536 and @meganbessenx for voting on this chapter, love youu.

Annnd thank you so much to  @hannahmehh who has just been a general joy, reading through your comments is the best thing. And thanks for voting on many of my chapters.

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