chasing fire; 4.

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"SURPRISE!" We all shouted, jumping up as Jonah walked in, a huge grin spread across his face.

"Oh my god... Shawn! Y/n, Corbyn! Ariana!" Jonah said, walking over to hug everyone.

"And the other two who you were in a band with for four years." Zach sighed.

"And whom, might I add, decorated half this room," Jack added.

"Zach, Jack!" Jonah smiled, hugging them both.

"There you go." I smiled, Zach grinned back.

"Daniel, did you know about this?" Jonah asked, turning around to a boy I hadn't noticed. He had stunning blue eyes, amazing jawline. I recognised him. Jack had definitely met this guy before, maybe at one of his gigs that he did?

"Yup." Daniel grinned, "Y/n! Corbyn!" He kissed me on the cheek and high-fived Corbyn. Once he'd walked away, Corbyn pulled me aside.

"He just kissed you!" He whispered, harshly.

"Yeah, on the cheek," I whispered back.

"Still, aren't you supposed to be my  fiancée?" Corbyn asked.

"Kissing people on the cheek is polite in adulthood, adults do it all the time," I explained.

"Yeah, I saw my parents do it once or twice, but I thought my dad a side chick that my mum knew about?"

"Are you serious?" I laughed.

"Until I was eight." Corbyn nodded.

"Well, let's just thank god you didn't think that until now." I laughed. 

"Also, beware of that Asa guy. He told me you were hot. Like I didn't know!" Corbyn made a pfft sound and I blushed, I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and followed my gaze to where Corbyn was looking.

"Oh?" I said. 

Asa Butterfield was, surely enough, looking at me from a distance but looking away when he saw us.

"Just stick with me, tonight. For both our sake, I'm socially anxious around all these celebrities." Corbyn sighed, "Oh yes, thank you." He said, taking two glasses of champagne of a waiter who apparently I hired.

"I've never drunk this before," I said, looking at the glass.

"Neither have I but." Corbyn smiled, clinking my glass and we both sipped a tiny bit, "Oh wow." Corbyn cringed, "Is this what adulthood tastes like? Because it's dee-gust-tang." Corbyn said. 

Kehlani looked at Corbyn weirdly and he took another swig, signalling he actually liked it.

"He's such a lightweight." I fake-laughed to her. She nodded and smiled, walking off.

"Ew, oh my god. I'm gonna throw up."

"You're exaggerating, it's nice." I sipped again, "Let's go try some more stuff." I led Corbyn over to another waiter, this one with wine. "Thank you." I smiled, taking two glasses off his tray and handing one to Corbyn. We both drank some.

Corbyn leaned forward and kissed me, his lips wet with wine. 

"Aw." Ariana smiled, touching me lightly on the shoulder as she walked past. 

"What was that for?" I asked, growing a little tired of him kissing me when I only met him this morning. Him claiming he was 'in love' with me was already playing my doubts. 

"Wine is meant to be romantic, isn't it?" Corbyn asked. 

"You don't have to kiss me all the time, you know."

"But I want to." Corbyn sighed.

"I'm gonna go to the toilet, ok?" I said, when I walked away I mumbled, "Wanna join me in there too?"

Corbyn's POV.

"Damn, you're chasing fire." Zach laughed, nudging me as he watched y/n go.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I mean she's hot and it looked like you asked her something and she got irritated. What did you want? Sex on the pool table?" Zach said, "Because I don't blame you."

"Why does everyone hit on her?" I sulked.

"Hey, I'm sure all the girls talk about you." Zach shrugged.

"No, they talk about Daniel and his 'stunning' eyes." I had overheard some talk. 

"You could've at least lied at said they talk about me, man." Zach sighed, "Where'd she go anyways?"


"To have sex with Asa?" 


"Well, hasn't he been like... scoping her out? More than anyone else? And do you see him?" Zach gestured around the room, I could see now, Zach was a little drunk. Yet, I believed him because looking around also, Asa was nowhere in sight.

"Where's the bathroom?"

"Dude, we've been here like... all the time." Zach gave a tipsy giggle before pointing up the stairs and making a motion to the right. I followed his directions and burst into the bathroom.

"Asa stop trying-," I started to shout. Y/n looked at me with wide eyes and she paused washing her hands.

"Corbyn? What the hell? You can't just burst in here? How many drinks did you have while I was up here?" Y/n came over and rubbed my shoulders, obviously thinking I needed calming down, which I did.

"Zach said Asa was up here... trying to have sex with you. Because you know... he's been looking at you all night, calling you hot, when he wasn't in the room I thought he was up here." I swallowed a lump in my throat, "I thought he might hurt you."

"Oh, Corbyn. You're so silly." She smiled, my heart thumped. "How could you think I could ever do that to you? And why do you care so much?"

"I told you, I love you." I frowned.

"How can you love me when you only met me this morning? If we were normal people we wouldn't even be friends by this point in the day." She laughed and tilted her head to the side, gazing at me.

"Because I just know," I said, leaning in to kiss her again. Y/n put a finger to my lips, I opened my eyes and she smiled.

"You're such a hopeless romantic." The way she spoke to me made me want to close my eyes and replay it over and over in my head.

"When can we go home?" I pleaded, wanting to do what I'd seen in movies when I was too young to watch them. 

"Soon, but it's our friend Jonah's birthday." Y/n smiled, adjusting my bow tie. 

"Right, right." I shook my head and we both laughed. "Do you love me?" There was a silence as she smirked at me.

"We'll see."

TᕼE GOOᗪ ᑭᒪᗩᑕE; ᑕOᖇᗷYᑎ ᗷEᔕᔕOᑎ.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें