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~After 10 mins~

Me and Michael are now inside our room with the kids. Aubrey and Prince are playing with me and Michael do tickle fight. While giggling and playing with the kids, my phone rang.

"Stop tickling me first, I'll answer my phone." I said. 

"Okay mommy.. Daddy!! Tickle monster is here!!"

"NO AUBREY!!" Michael screamed while giggling. I chuckled at them and stood up and answered my phone.


R: Hello??

???: It's not the end of my revenge, Raine. It's just the beginning..

R: Tatiana, I had enough with your shit!

T: Oh really Raine? I think you deserve those shits I've pulled on you.

R: It's not funny to pull those shit to me.

Just then, I saw Michael stood up, went to me and he grabbed my phone and put it in speaker mode.

R: You won't get away with this, Tatiana and I swear to God I'll kill you..

T: You wouldn't sweetheart. I know your weakness.

R: You're weaker than I am. You're still hiding from everything while I kept on fighting on what's mine.

T: I just wanna warn you that you need to be ready for the worse when we see each other again..


"Babe, please stop risking your life. Let me handle this." Michael said while putting down my phone.

"Babe, she wants you to be hers and I'm not going to let that happen. I'll do everything just to keep you, all to myself. I'll give her a fight if it takes for us to grant our peace." He kissed my lips and I put my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. He broke the kiss and he hugged me tightly. 

"Michael, I can't let you risk your life."

"I can't let you risk yours, also. We need each other for our family, ourselves even the kids. Aubrey and Prince needs a mother and I need my wife, my best friend, my queen, my world and my everything.

"I know, and I also need you guys but--"

"Raine, stop. We need to help each other in defeating Tatiana." 

"What if you get hurt?" 

"Then so be it, if it takes for you not to get hurt and for me not to lose you, then let me be hurt." 


"We're both involved in this, especially me. Since this grew, I'm also involved in everything. I don't want to risk losing you again." I just nodded my head and I looked at the kids. 

"Mommy, daddy? Is everything alright?" Aubrey asked.

"Mommy?" Prince also asked. Me and Michael went near them and embrace them in a hug. Prince hugged me in my chest while Aubrey sat on her father's lap and hugged him. Michael put his arm around me and Aubrey and I put my arm on his waist and hugged him back.

"Everything's alright. Me and daddy are just talking about your safety when things might get out of hands." I said.

"Will it be worse?" Aubrey asked. I looked at her and kissed her forehead.

"Mommy and daddy won't let that happen to you guys." Michael said. 

"Mommy! Daddy!!" Prince said. I sat Prince on my abdomen and he smiled and clapped his hands. I brushed his blonde hair and he just giggled. Just then, there's a knock on the door. I grabbed Prince on my arm and went to the door and answered it. When I opened the door, I saw Tatiana with four masculine men in her back. My eyes grew big and closed the door immediately. I ran to Michael and he stood and hugged me and Prince while Aubrey is in the middle of us. The door went opened and we saw Tatiana pointing a gun to our direction. She went towards us also her men. Her men got to Michael and held his arms. The men got Prince out of me, even Aubrey. I went to the men and trying to get my kids but Tatiana kneed me on my stomach. I lay on the floor crunching in pain. 

"MOMMY! DADDY!!" Aubrey and Prince screamed while they cry. I looked at them and tried to get up but Tatiana kicked my side and I lay on my stomach while holding it in cringing in pain. 

"I told you to be ready.." Tatiana said.

"You'll die.." I said while looking at her.

"RAINE!!" Michael screamed and I looked at him and he is trying to get out from the men's grip on him. 

"What do you want from me?!" I said with the hint of pain in my voice.

"I want EVERYTHING!" I got to the couch and went to stand. At the time when I already stand, I held my stomach with my hand and the other one on my knee. 

"But, I want you to feel what I suffer." She said. Just then, she went out of the room. But she came back immediately with a man behind her. That man grabbed and I kept on pushing him away from me.

"WHERE WILL YOU TAKE HER??!! TATIANA! WHAT WILL YOU DO TO HER?!" Michael immediately screamed. The man stopped and he let me go and I immediately ran to Michael and the two men whose holding him lets him go also. I went to him and hugged him tighter. He hugged me tightly, not wanting me to go. The men that's holding the kids let them go and they ran towards us and I hugged them all. 

"This will be the last time you'll see her alive. One of us might be alive after what will be doing. You'll know the sign when you heard some gun shot. If you heard that, maybe one of us is dead and that's her. Men, get her." Tatiana said.

"Wait! Give me some time with them if this will be the last." I said softly knowing that this might be the last.

"I'll give you two minutes, if you're not done after that, I'll have to kill Michael and the kids in front of you." She said. Then, she turned around, even her men and they left the room. I turned to looked at Michael and I held his cheeks in my hands.

"Michael, please--"

"No! You won't die.. God will be with you, I swear.." Michael said while tears are falling on his cheeks. I wiped them and kissed his lips. I broke the kiss and let our foreheads touched each other. 

"If this will be the last, atleast I get to kiss you for the very last time, babe. I love you so much and take care of the kids, if ever I'm not going to survive this." 

"You'll survive this babe, I know it." I turn to looked at the kids and they are crying so hard.  I wiped Aubrey's tears and kissed her cheek and forehead. 

"I love you so much baby. Take care of your baby brother for me."

"Don't die, mommy.." She said. 

"I'll do my best not to die, for you guys." She immediately hugged me and I wiped Prince's tears and kissed hiss forehead. He came near us and hugged us also, even Michael. He kissed my head and in my temple. Just then, a man came inside and I let go of Michael and the kids. I kiss them one last time. I kissed Michael's lips and I let go easily. The man got me and I heard the door closed behind us and he brought us upstairs and into the rooftop. God! I hope I survive this...

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