I watched my surroundings, waiting for whatever was going to come.

Suddenly, I smelled a strong odor. It was disgusting and it made me nauseous. I covered my nose in horror, trying my best to not throw up.

"Oh my god, what is that smell?!" I cried to Danny. My eyes tearing up in the process.

"It smells like rotting meat!" Kimberly shouted, holding her nose and coughing.

"Look over there" Danny replied, pointed to an area. He obviously wasn't fazed by the smell. Me and the others gazed our eyes over to what Danny was pointing at.

It was a body of a man. He was several yards from us and was lying behind some tall leaves. It was kind of hard to see him.

Katie screamed in fear and hid behind Shimizu.

"Is that what I think it is?!" I asked, shaken up by the sight of a decomposed body.

"Oh my god!" Kimberly cringed as she shook her arms in disgust.

"Why are you girls acting like that? You've seen dead bodies before at the revolt" Danny stated in confusion.

"Yes, but not decomposed ones" Kimberly snapped back.

The boys only seemed uncomfortable, not only by the sight, but by the smell. They didn't seem scared like me, Kim and Katie. Robin on the other hand was fascinated. Typical Robin.

"Wow, just wow. This is the first time I've seen a decomposing body in person. Oh my gosh, I wish I had a camera. I've always been fascinated with death and the process of human decomposition. It's so interesting" Robin said in an excited tone as she tiptoed over towards the body.

"Ah-ah-ahh. Stop right there. That body may carry bacteria with it, and I don't want you going near or touching it. We don't have time to be strolling with sick people. You guys just got better from a cold not too long ago. Remember all of that harsh work we did in the cold at the extermination camp?" Danny lectured to Robin.

Robin groaned and she pouted as she made her way back over to us.

"Hm, I'm guessing that this man is probably an adventurer or conspiracy theorist who ended up on this island to search for W.E.A." Shimizu hypothesized as he stroked his chin.

"And ended up being killed by those killing-machines" Danny finished.

"That's so sad. It looks like they ripped his intestines out. Look at his stomach!" Mohammed pointed in disgust and amazement.

I took a second look at the body. The man's stomach was exposed, and his guts, liver and intestines were hanging out. I gagged looking at the man's mangled body.

This man was killed in such a brutal way, it almost made me cry. He didn't deserve this, all he wanted to know was the truth of whether W.E.A was real. This man was someone's son, uncle or father.

As I covered my mouth and teared up, I heard something rustling in the bushes over to my right. I quickly looked over in its direction.

"Did you heard that?" I asked the others.

"Everyone get in a circle position and face outward, not inward. That way we can watch from all angles to see what's coming...hurry!" Danny demanded in a loud whisper.

"What?" Kimberly asked in confusion.

"Get your powers ready! Now!" he shouted, ignoring her.

Immediately we got into a circle and watched our surroundings.

I stood in between Beval and Robin. Shimizu stood in between Robin and Katie, and Mohammed stood in between Katie and Kimberly. Kimberly stood next to Danny, whom was next to Beval.

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