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Ivy's POV

Finally, Wednesday night he opens up the subject.

'So, I was thinking.' He starts.


'What do you think about us moving together?'

'I think it's a nice idea. I honestly don't like going back to my flat. It's always cold there and lonely. And I don't sleep well. Because you're not with me there.'

'Oh, so that's why you've been coming here directly from work every day!'

'Yeah... you don't mind do you?' I pout.

'No! Absolutely not! I'm so happy that you're here. How soon can you move in?'

'Two weeks ago too soon?'


'You really didn't notice all the extra stuff?'

'I mean, yeah I guess I noticed your side of the closet fuller than before even if it's more than half empty. And the mugs, and the hair straightener? But I didn't give it that much thought. Who helped you with the move?'

'No one really, it was gradual and spontaneous really. And it's not like I need much. You already have everything.'

'Hmm... alright. Do we need to make a trip there though? Do you still have anything there?'

'There's still one box of stuff I didn't bring cause I didn't know where to put them. I didn't want to mess with your designing skills.'

'Alright, we'll take care of that tomorrow? How soon can you get off work?'

'Like 4:30?'

'Alright, we'll go eat something and then go there and get the rest of your stuff.'

'So we're officially moved in?' I ask excitedly.

'Yeah! We're officially moved in!' He cheers.

The next morning, I go to work and the first thing I do is deliver the happy news.

'So I have some news... Niall and I moved in together!'

'Oh my god! Congratulations!' Sky cheers.

'Really Mels? I mean I expected the silent disapproving look from Red but you? I thought you support us.'

'I do. It's just. I guess it's a little soon. I'm just shocked. If you think that it's a good idea and you're happy then okay good! I'm happy for you. I'm just worried that you might be a little reckless. You're completely blinded by him. I fear you losing yourself. But if you really thought it through, and still think it's the thing to do. Then I'm okay with it. It's just a lot to take in.'

'We did think it through. We really want this. We need this. Red are you seriously not gonna say anything?'

'Can't say I agree to this. Can't say I agree on this whole relationship either. Like okay, he's a nice guy. But I'm really worried about you. He's got you wrapped around his finger and then he'll be gone, not caring about you because he knows you'll still be around since you're obsessed. And then he'll cheat on you because they all do and you'll be broken. I don't want this to happen. I don't want him to hurt you.'

I can't help but laugh. Niall? Cheating? Please. That's impossible.

'I get where you're coming from. But Niall is not like that. He'd never cheat and even while he's away he'll always care about me.'

'Well, I'm sorry if I don't believe that.'

'Okay, man you should really cut it off now. I care about Ivy as much as you do. If I wasn't 100% convinced he's good for her, I would never have set her up with him. They're perfect for each other.'

'Perfect? They're insane! She literally dropped everything and took the first flight to Australia just because she missed him! Who does that! You have responsibilities here you know!'

'Hey! I did everything that was asked of me and never with a delay! I take care of all of my responsibilities here! Even from a distance. So. You can't. Hold this. Over my head. Don't mix work with my personal life. My relationship with Niall has never and will never affect my work here. So you can relax about that!'

'Alright. I'm sorry if I overreacted. I'm just worried about you.'

'I'm okay. I have so many people worried about me and taking care of me. I'm okay I promise. I just love Niall. And I'm sorry to say this, and I hope one day, you'll understand. But you've never been in love before. And until you do, you'll think I'm crazy. That's just what love is.'

'Come on hug it out! We actually have work to do!' Sky urged.

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