I'm Back!

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Hello, everyone! I am so, soooooo sorry that you guys had to wait so long for me to come back. A lot of you thought I was dead, and I apologize, but I have a surprise in store:

I'm rewriting this book.

Now don't get me wrong, I love it, but not only have I improved as a writer, I have many new plot points I would like to introduce, and things I'd like to change and add, since I'm not the same shy, hesitant writer I was years ago when I started this. I love you guys so much, and thanks for staying with me and commenting, even though I've been absent. Hopefully I can get this new, edited version of the fanfiction updated, and yes, it will replace what I have here (though the specials will remain, since I'm not sure what to do with those. XD)

Examples of what I shall changed-

Farsight, a dragon barely mentioned in the prologue of Moon Rising, becomes Aunt Farsight to Moon and Star, and Secretkeeper lets her in on the secret from the start.

Moon hatches on the brightest night (I'll have try harder to make her less of a Mary Sue... hmm...) and Star hatches when Moon does in the canon series.

Carnelian survives. Mic drop.

And much much more!

And, to make up for my absence, if any of you have Wings of Fire OCs, submit the 'form' down below, and I will put them into the story! (And draw them for you in an extra, bonus chapter.)
AN - and yes, they can interact with the main characters. But if you want them to interact, they might have to be smaller ways, like running into them at Jade Mountain or something. (Not sure if I want them tagging along in the Winter Turning parts and such. sorry! But the OCs can be friends and whatnot with other characters. 😘)


Tribe - (Can be hybrids, but please, for the love of all that is holy, do not make them All-Wings)

Description - (adding this in, just in case you guys have any specifics)

Gender -

Winglet - (here are some Winglets I shall add to make things easier, so if y'all want, you can put your OC's in the same winglets together!) Diamond, Bronze, Sapphire, Emerald, and Ruby Winglets.

Backstory - (Optional)

If you want them as background characters for story parts, I can write them in as well!

All right, hopefully you guys don't hate me for leaving you! Love you guys!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2019 ⏰

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