Chapter 23

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I apologize for

1. The cliffhanger.

2. The slightly bad picture I drew up top. Enjoy the story.

(Still Qibli's POV)

Winter turned to Moon, agony written on his face.

"It's true. At least, that's what Scarlet has told her. Scarlet could be lying, though."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Winter said to his sister, looking destroyed. "Because you're worthless." She spat. "And I didn't want to waste time arguing with your sensitive moral sensibilities."

"She means she didn't want to be talked out of it." Moon said fiercely. "And she knew you would try, and you might have even succeeded, because you're not worthless; you're smart and brave and capable of caring about other dragons."

"Is it really true, though?" Winter said, a question not quite for Moon or Icicle. "Hailstorm isn't dead?"

Icicle narrowed her eyes and flicked her tail, weighing the possibilities. "There's still time." She hissed at him. "We could still kill the dragonets and get him back."

Winter hesitated, wavering. He looked miserably, like he didn't even know what he wanted.

He shook his head. "Not with more killing. Not for Queen Scarlet. It won't work."

"Fine." Icicle snarled. "I hope you choke on a walrus and die."

She whirled and dove out the nearest window, tearing straight through the leafy pane and letting in a burst of too-bright sunlight. (Holy fricking crap I thought this was at night how is this possible)

"Icicle stop! Come back! We can find him together!" Winter yelled, running to the window and leaning out.

I heard Moon crying, and I looked over to see her leaning next to Star's broken form. "Star!" I yelled, at her side in an instant. She looked so hurt, but she lifted her head to look at me. "Qibli?" She asked, her eyes unfocused. She reached for me, and I took her talons in mine. 

I looked at her chest, which had frostbreath coating it. No wonder it was hard for her to breathe. "Star, you listen to me, you are going to survive this." I told her, and she gave me a small smile. "I- I have something to tell you, in case I don't make it." She whispered. I picked her up and held her close. "You're going to survive. I won't let you die. You are not going to die on me, do you understand me?" I ordered her.

Kinkajou leaned on Moon, and they were both crying. Winter looked upset as well, comforting Moon.

"Qibli, I love you very much. Not just... as a friend. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." She murmured, leaning into me. I blinked back tears. "I love you too, Star. That's why you can't die. Please don't leave me here, alone." I begged her. "I... don't want to leave..." Her eyes closed and her breathing slowed.

"Star?" I said, almost yelling. No answer. "STAR!" I screamed, losing it completely. I clutched her  close to my body, like she was a part of me. A part I couldn't afford to lose. She was so small and still, like she was newly hatched.

I didn't know whether to put her down or keep holding her. Moon was sobbing, looking like she'd lost the whole world. Kinkajou was more upset than I'd ever seen her before. "I can't believe she's gone. She died for you." Kinkajou said, putting rainbow wings around me and Star, and I nodded.

"How could I have lost her?" Moon asked. She looked as though she was talking to someone in her head. "I should have seen this in our future. I would give up my wings and talons to have her safe with me again." Moon wailed, and Winter hushed her. "I know... I know." He whispered.

I sat in the library for what felt like an eternity, waiting for Star to make any sign that she was alive. I eventually closed my eyes, and admitted to myself that she was gone.

Then, Moon put her talons on my shoulder. She was smiling, now, tears coursing down her snout. "She's alive." She whispered. "What?" I asked, looking down at the small figure in my talons.

She pointed at my scales. "Your warm SandWing scales." She said, now poking at the frost on Star's scales, which was staring to melt. Moon looked as though she were listening to something. "I can hear her thoughts, again. My little sister's going to be okay..." She trailed off, nuzzling Star in my arms.

I couldn't believe it. She was okay. "Then what's wrong?" I asked, seeing as Star was still like a stone. "I think she's just unconscious." Kinkajou said, crying in relief. Winter sighed. "Well... the little NightWing is alive. Hooray. Don't we have something else to do?" He asked.

(Star's POV)

I woke up in Qibli's arms, the cold feeling of frostbreath still there, but now it was suppressed. He looked down with a look of pure joy on his face. "You little lizard!" He said. "I love you, Qibli." I purred, hugging him. He didn't seem to want to set me down, and I was fine with that. "We already told Clay and everyone about what happened to Icicle and took care of everything else. You're going to be fine. Sunny is going to help take care of you, if you need it." He told me.

I noticed that the rest of the Jade Winglet was here with us... except for Winter, there was Kinkajou, Moon, Turtle. Umber, and Carnelian were absent. "Jade Winglet, all together again, huh. Where's Winter?" I asked, then realized I couldn't read their thoughts.

"The Skyfire." I mumbled. Qibli gave a nod, but he seemed worried about something.

"We were just talking about giving Winter his Skyfire." Moon said. "Moon... I checked Winter's cave an hour ago. He's gone." 

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