Special 1K Contest!

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Welp. We're at 1K Reads everybody! 

Qibli: Thanks for reading!

Star: Yeah, it's been fun. So we decided to do a contest! I forsee it will go well...

Qibli: Star, enough with that nonsense!

Author Just let me do my job! Ahem. I thought maybe, if one of you guys wanted to create a dragon, and put it into my story. Any of you, really. Like, to replace Carnelian or something... since... well, you know. I'm trying to think of any rules or what to do for the contest, specifically. Maybe the coolest dragon? Yeah, that'll work.

Rules: No inappropriate names, and you may ship with other characters... who aren't already in a relationship. Star, Qibli, Winter, Moon, Kinkajou, and Turtle are off limits, but I'm open to suggestions. Anyway. Your character must have a name, gender, and dragon tribe. I may take hybrids, but don't go overboard! LOL. Also, personality for your dragons. Also, the dragon does not have to be a SkyWing, I repeat, the dragon does not have to be a SkyWing.

I will take the top two dragons to put into my story (And since this story continues throughout the second series, books 6-10, your character can appear at any time, it just might take a while, depending on the timeline.) I might also take three dragons, if there are enough requests, or if I'm feeling really nice.

Thanks for 1K reads guys, really. Special announcement, I will eventually be doing a Lafayette x reader... but I don't think I'll make it completely accurate (Because I like Laurens too much to let him die!) But who knows? Good luck, everyone, and may you fly with Wings of Fire!

Qibli x reader: Chasing StarsWhere stories live. Discover now