Special #2

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Just, just look at this picture. Yes, Qibli. Yes.

I walked up beside Qibli, who gave me a funny look. "You have to promise to sit to the right of me in History class, okay?" He asked. "Um, okay? Wait, why?" I asked.

"Meh, no reason. Just do it." 

When we got into history, Qibli sat down, and I noticed Kinkajou sitting next to Turtle with a video camera. (Just accept it, okay? LOL)

I sat and there was a loud farting noise. Qibli doubled over and laughed like he was dying. I also started laughing, just unable to move. Kinkajou dropped the camera in her giggly fit, and when she calmed down, Turtle began tickling her. 

I rolled onto my back with my laughs. When I got up, Qibli gave me a huge kiss. My wings dropped, and I blushed. Winter walked in, then threw up. "Qibli, did you just-" I froze, and Qibli got in real close. "You liked it." He stated. "Yeah..." 

Winter screamed at Moon to get him a blindfold. Moon then also kissed him. "Never mind..." He chuckled in a dreamy voice. "Yeah, Winter. Real princely." I laughed. 

Turtle stood there awkwardly for a minute, and Kinkajou immediately gave him a big hug. "Love ya, boo!" She giggled.

(Now for more)

Qibli's point of view: I walked up to Winter after a good day on the internet. Apparently, there is something called a 'meme' that makes you laugh so hard your stomach hurts. I decided to gift the world with memes. 

"Hello, Winter." I smiled warmly. He looked around as though I had set off a bomb in his face. "Where's the fire?" He asked. "Oh, there's no fire. I just had something important to tell you."

"Oh, yeah? What?" He asked.

"Potatoes have skin. You have skin. You are therefore a potato." I smiled. Winter blinked, and narrowed his eyes. "What." He snapped. "You're so annoying even Hello Kitty said goodbye."

Winter was visibly shaking in anger now.

"Also, ain't nobody got time for that." I walked away, leaving Winter just sitting there in shock. "Wha- what- I don't even..." He fainted.

I then dabbed. I heard Star screaming in frustration.

I smirked. Today would be a good day. I wondered how Tsunami and Glory would react to memes...

(Hello, everybody. I am now asking for your ideas. Any ideas for x readers, for special chapters, I NEED IDEAS! :0 Thanks for reading!)

Qibli x reader: Chasing StarsWhere stories live. Discover now