Chapter 24 + A/N

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(Okaaaay. This is gonna be a bit weird. This chapter will combine with the first chapter of Winter Turning, so this is gonna kill me. I'm glad you guys like this book so much. I mean, 1.3 K reads is awesome. Since moonwatchersister is the only one who entered the contest, the next chapter will have Starchaser hanging out with her character in a drawing I will do. Plus, I'll do a special explaining the character, so thanks for participating. I'll do this contest again at 5 K reads. Thanks, guys! I also improved the last chapter, because reasons.)

"Gone?" Kinkajou cried in dismay. "Why? Where'd he go?"

"I don't know, but Bandit's cage is missing, too. I don't think he's coming back." Qibli said. 

"Oh." Turtle said. "I saw him leaving, but I thought he was just going hunting. I should have stopped him." He murmured.

I had to admit, I would miss listening to Qibli and Kinkajou, but I would just have to listen closely to what they actually said.

"Which way was he going?" Moon asked Turtle.

"Northwest, toward the forest that's between the mountains and the desert." He said. "Uh, where are you going?" He asked.

Moon turned around. "I'm going to find him."

"In this weather?" Turtle protested. Rain. I loooooove rain.

"Oh, yay!" Kinkajou cried. "Me too!" She said enthusiastically. "Okay, I'm coming." Turtle said, quieting down.

"Are you sure?" Moon said, gesturing to the storm. I looked out at the drizzle with a sad expression. I didn't know if I could fly anywhere. I still felt cold and tired, and faint. The world began to fade back once again, and I shuddered. I turned to Moon again.

"I'm a RainWing." Kinkajou said. "It rains all the time in the rainforest. Trust me, I can handle it. It's Star we should be worried about." She said, giving me a worried glance, seeing as I had recently come back from the dead.

"I'm coming. For Star." Qibli said, wing around me.

"None of you have to do this." Moon said, giving me concerned looks. 'Three moons, I am not a fragile flower.' I thought. 

"He's my clawmate." Qibli pointed out. "Also, I am a total expert on evil brothers and sisters."

"Yeah, on his phone, he has his brother and sister labeled as DO NOT REPLY EVER for texting." I pointed out. (Ahh! Fourth wall!)

"And I am coming to keep you and Star safe." Kinkajou said, now putting a wing around me as well. "Don't argue with me. I'm very menacing." she turned her wings black and bared her teeth, but the pink scales that remained rather undercut the effect.

Moon gave me a still-worried smile. "Star?" She asked. "I'm coming because you're my sister. Sisters don't leave each other to go gallivanting off on lunatic expeditions." I rolled my eyes and chuckled weakly.

Moon gave a real smile this time. "All right, let's go."

(Le time skip.)

"Maybe we should go back!" Turtle shouted to Moon as we did another pass over a clearing we must've passed three times. "Maybe he's halfway to the Ice Kingdom already."

"I don't think so." Qibli called back. I winced as the rain pelted my scales. Deciding I was too weak to fly, we opted to have me ride on his back. Warm, but still wet. Thanks a lot, rain. "He wouldn't fly that far with Bandit. He wouldn't fly too far with that cage. Scavengers don't handle this kind of weather as well as we do."

Turtle looked like he wouldn't like to handle this weather either, and he shook out his wings. 

I pricked my ears, feeling a slight vision coming on. But it was different. I closed my eyes, and saw Winter somewhere in the forest. It wasn't in the future, but it was happening right now.

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