Chapter 25

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(Whoo hoo! Finally an update! Until summer vacation in 5 months, screw my life. UUUUUGH! Also, thinking of doing a kind of diary thing so there shall be no A/Ns in my books. That way if you guys wanna know about my weird life, then you could read that, and not be bothered.)

I watched the shock trail across Winter's face. He might've known about the visions of the future, but I doubt reading minds had ever come across to him.

"But you're safe now, I promise!" Moon said quickly, reaching towards Winter. "The rock you're holding will protect you from me, and as long as you hold it, we can't hear your thoughts."

"Sounds like another NightWing lie." He snarled.

Moon wiped what seemed like a combination tears and raindrops from her eyes. "I promise you, Winter. I can't hear anything in your mind right now, and it was very confusing before, anyway."

Qibli snorted amusedly, and I giggled.

"That's how I knew about Icicle and Scarlet." Moon said. "Well, me and Star. We heard them talking in Icicle's dream. And I heard Icicle planning to kill Starflight on her way to the library. We can only hear what dragons are thinking at that moment, though. I can't reach in and rummage around in anyone's brain or anything like that."

Winter apparently found this not very reassuring. 

"You've been listening to us from the moment you met us." Winter said. "Deceiving us, and spying on us." He hissed up frostbreath from his snout, growling slightly. "I expected this from that thing," He said, gesturing to me, with a hiss from Qibli.

"But not you, Moon." Winter said, gazing at her. "Lovebirds. Also, that was highly rude." I pointed out, leaning on Qibli's side. "Ice-butt better shut up." Qibli muttered, putting a wing around me. (I was smaller than him, and I just noticed this and I HATE IT.)

"Go back to Jade Mountain, all of you. Leave me alone." Winter snarled. "And you, GET OUT OF HERE!" He roared at Bandit, who stumbled away with a cry of alarm, bolted out of the cage, and disappeared.

I wonder what Winter must be thinking? Moon thought. "I dunno. Probably about how he's going to unsuccessfully try to avoid us." I responded, then realized she hadn't spoken aloud. Well crud.

"See! They can have secret conversations without us knowing! Who knows what they're saying?" Winter snapped. I rolled my eyes. "So can dragons who know sign language. I am half your size, and Moon isn't really much better. What in the name of the three moons do you think we could do to you, suspicious scavenger-lover?" I asked, tail lashing slightly.

He opened his snout, then closed it. "That's right. Nothing to say here. Stop being so mean about NightWings, especially me and Moon. By all the shining moons, what did we ever do to you?" I asked, glaring. Winter stared at me blankly.

He closed his eyes and curled his talons around the skyfire, as though warning me away from him. "I mean it. Go away. I'm going to the Ice Kingdom, and if you follow me... you'll die." His gaze unconsciously traveled to Moon, and then he cleared his throat. "Not that I have any, uh, objections to your deaths. I just don't want to hear you breathing and flapping and saying stupid things all the way there."

"That can't be your plan." Qibli said, in his sensible voice that I loved. "Go home and beg for help? Your brother might be dead by the time you get there. Your best chance is to catch Icicle."

"Before she kills Queen Glory." Kinkajou said fiercely, snarling slightly. She was mango-orange now with streaks of black (meaning she was irritated, and probably a little angry too). She looked ready to fly into battle and shred some wings.

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