I'm not dead!

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I am so sorry, everyone. I wish I could've updated, but I've been super sick, busy, and going through hecka drama in my life, so my life's been pretty crummy.

What drama might you ask?

Well, my grandpa was getting remarried (grandma died), and then they broke off the marraige. Then they were going to get married again. They broke it off. I'm getting tired of it, and now they might get back together. (Make up your dang minds!) Trivial, but irritating. I don't approve of it either, since grandma died a little over a year ago. Did I mention they were planning on having the wedding on my birthday? Yeah. I hate it. (But the woman makes my grandpa happy, so I'm mixed.)

Anyway. There's also been the flu going around, and let's just say, it hasn't been kind to me. On the bright side, I don't have to go to school! Funniest reaction from my teacher. When I told her I was feeling bad, she inched away from me, fingers ever so slightly reached for the Lysol wipes.

There is one thing, however...

I have mentioned this before, but it's hard to get motivated now. I mean, I like Winter Turning and all, but... ugh. It's just hard. I have all these great plot points, but here we are, trekking through the jungle, listening to dragon-Elsa complain about the heat. Also... there's just a lot to get through. 

Just wanted to let y'all know I'm trying, and that i'm not dead.

Also, I've been getting into the Miraculous Ladybug fandom. Weirdly enough, i'm enjoying it. Also, Stranger Things, and Gravity Falls. And Hunger Games. They creeping up on meeeeh.

See you in the next update. 

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