Trails (part 2)

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Maddie POV

??: Madison Can you tell me what happened when you James frist started abusing you?

Maddie: well it all started 5 days after me giving brith and Jacob getting runned over. That day I got information on Jacob so I went to his room. As I cried and looked at him James started talking behind me. He said that me and him should get married since Jacob wasn't going to be up soon. I obviously said no. Then he threated to kill my new borns then he called me out my name. I was going to slap him when he grabbed Isabella of off me and said he would beat her.

I glaced at Jacob who looked so angry when I said that. He look like he was bout to set a bomb off on James.

Maddie: I just shutup and took the pain. As he pulled me out the hosptail into the car he drove home. I put Mario Jennifer and Isabella to bed the. Went to my bedroom to call my friend Taylor. But James came in and raped me.

I felt a tear coming down my face but I tried to stop it.

??: why did you stop from hitting him. If you hit him that day he probaly would have never hit you in the frist place.

Maddie: I wasn't going to risk the chance of my child getting hurt. I want going to let him so that. So I just took the pain for her.

??: my client James said that you and your friends put him in the hosptail. Is this true?

Maddie: yes it is..

??: your honor James wasn't trying to hurt anyone. He was using self deserves to prevent being beating to death hisself. He never meant to hurt anybody. He was just trying to protect himself. He(gco)

ML: your honor I eject! Madison and her friends put James in the hosptail after he had already started beating on Madison.

Jams lawyer and my lawyer started to argue about which one is right.

Judge: order Order in the courtroom!

Everybody settled down.

Judge: tell me what happened when you put James in the hosptail.

Maddie: I don't know how he got there. I did beat him tho. After I found out he hurt Isabella there was no stopping me. I hit him repeatly for eveything he ever done to me or my family. The. After he woke up he raped me again.

??: who beat James to put in him the hosptail?

Maddie: Trey Young.

??: I call Trey Young to the stand

I got off the stand and back to my seat. I sat there and Roc sat in the stand and then swear in the bible.

??: so tell me what happened?

Roc: well When we got there James was Having sex with another girl. I was already mad because Madison is my friend and he put her in the hosptail. Anyways as me Rockelle Nia and Elijah arrived we saw James onto of another girl. I was already mad but seeing him do that just made me madder. I instantly hit him making him fall on the floor. I hit him repeatly till I relized I've done enough and we leaved to go to the hospital.

~2 weeks later~

Maddie POV


I walked into the court house with Prince next to me. We sat down. I was so ready to have this divorce final between me and James. I want to marry the love of my life.....Jacob..... Today was rye discussion of the divorce then the next time the divorce with be final. Why does divorce take so long? Like damn! Why can't we just sigh some papers and be over with this shit! The jugde came in and we all stood up.

~3 hours later~

Me and Jacob got something form Wendy's cuz we was hungry. We were eating and talking while in Wendy's.

Jacob: I can't wait for your divorce so me and you can fianlly get married.

Maddie: then I would be happily married.

Jacob: isn't it just like 2 more court dates till they tell us of James is going to jail or nah?

Maddie: yea... But that's not for like 7 months...

I laughed. It wasn't that long. Maybe like 3-4 months. In 3 weeks the divorce will be final and 2 weeks from then...(2 month form now) me and Prince will be married. I can't wait!

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