"Do it with Natsu!" she grinned.

"Very well."

"Alright, that's the spirit!" Natsu said, "Karyuu no Yokugeki!"

"As if I'd let you get away with this," Francinna smirked and made a huge axe, "If your hands fall down, goat, you will put your owner in danger. If my axe falls down, then do what you must! Dragon slayer, let's see if your fire can defeat my sword!"

She also made a sword, much to Natsu's annoyance. Of course, the fight went on with Francinna not getting hurt at all. But, Lucy was already summoning another spirit unknowingly.

"Gate of the Centaur, I open thee... Sagittarius," Lucy grinned, "Quickly, hit the woman's weapons."

"As you wish, moshimoshi," Sagittarius said before hitting Francinna's weapons.

"What on Earth-Land is going on?!" Francinna yelled as her weapons vanished.

"Alright! Karyuu no Houkou!"

"I shall assist you, Natsu-sama, for Lucy-sama says so!"


Francinna couldn't move. Sagittarius had also hit her calves. She couldn't do anything anymore.

Erza gasped as the two mages high-fived after defeating the general. They were really in sync and good. They really have improved. How long was I gone? Erza thought.

But, when Lucy and Natsu became aware of the situation, Erza was already unconscious. Too much of her magic power was already taken away.

"Even though you beat me... you won't be able to save her."

With the last of her magic power, Francinna made a clone of Capricorn and the said clone had tossed Erza's unconscious body into the portal before disappearing.

An exact second later, Gray arrived with Wendy.



9:34 am


"Erza!" Gray screamed. The portal began to close. He ran and ran and got himself into the portal, much to everyone's surprise.

"Gray!" Natsu and Lucy yelled.

But, their words were unreachable to him. The portal had already closed.

"Even in death, those bastards don't wanna part," Francinna coughed blood out, "But, I still win. I'll forever win."

Suddenly, a rumbling noise overwhelmed the ground. A Day Ark mage, a magic-blocking archer, two similar-looking men, and an old man, who looks quite strong, appeared.

At the same time, an Iron Dragon slayer, a Water mage, a Gemstone mage, and a Lightning Dragon slayer also appeared.

"Very well," the old man mumbled, "You've done well, Francinna."

"Yes, Master," the green-haired woman coughed.

"Shall we begin?" Reginald, the Day Ark mage, took his sunglasses off.

"We shall."

Another rumbling noise overwhelmed them. The portal was reopened. The old man began muttering ancient language.

"There's no time! He's summoning the tornado!" Jade yelled.

"You won't get through us," Reginald threw his sunglasses away, "We're the generals of Tornado Requiem. You won't be able to stop us."

"Hey, what about a Phantom Lord reunion?" Gajeel smirked at Juvia, "We'll take one of those bastards down Fairy Tail-style, though."

"Of course, Gajeel-kun."

"Lucy-san, let's do it!" Wendy grinned at Lucy.


"I'll work alone because I'm awesome!" Natsu smirked, cracking his knuckles.

"Guess we're fighting," Jade said to Laxus.


"Fairies versus Tornadoes... what a sight," Francinna grinned evilly, "What a sight that I'll never forget."

Jade smirked.

"As if we'd lose to you."


Good chapter!




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Love you,

FearIsNotEvil ⚡

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