25. Dramatic Comeback

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Yo, minna-san!

Yay! We finally got 6K! I'm so happy, guys! You're the best!


It made me cry my heart out. I finally know now! Because all the dragons were like, a thousand years old and were inside of the dragon slayers, that'd be the reason why Natsu and Gajeel couldn't escape Freed's rune in the Fighting Festival arc.

Wow. It all makes sense now. But still, in this story, Igneel is still not revealed, because in the Dramatic Island chapter, Natsu asked Jade if they could go to Hell to see if Igneel's there.

The latest episode of Fairy Tail was like, awesome! You gotta watch it!

Anyway, let's get started on the chapter!


Chapter Twenty-Five - Dramatic Comeback



2:35 pm


"I believe it is time for me to fight Fairy Tail again, Master."

The man with the blue hair kneeled in front of his master.

"You lost last time, and that was to a twenty-three-year-old."

"He wasn't that strong, Master. He didn't say the password. Someone else did," he explained.

"Who is this someone else?"

"Her name's Jade Greene, sir," the man answered.

"Is she a survivor from the Greene annihilation?"

"No, sir. According to Reginald, she was away when the annihilation happened," the man shook his head.

"Oh, so he locked her memories up?"

"Affirmative, sir. But, just recently, they were unlocked."

"Hm... the day we unleash the ultra-tornado would be the day Reginald will kill her. You should go now and do your mission."

"Yes, sir."

Before the blue-haired man left, the Master asked him something.

"By the way... did Fairy Tail really kill Renia and Rina?"

"Yes, sir. The sky dragon slayer defeated Rina and Jade Greene was the one that beat Renia and pushed her off the castle."

"Alright, then. You may leave, Sycarto."

When Sycarto had left the room, the Master thought about it.

Two of my generals, defeated, dead. What kind of guild are we against?



4:54 pm


Everyone had already stopped swimmimg due to the illusions and stayed in one place to be safe.

"Man, it's kind of disappointing that we couldn't enjoy swimming," Lucy sighed, "I was so looking forward to it, and now we can't. Bummer."

"Don't worry, Luce! As long as you're with me, you'd be swimmin'!" Natsu grinned.

"U-Um, no, thank you..."

"We have to improvise a plan to get to the portal easier, though," Erza said before turning to Laxus and seeing some injuries on his body, "What happened to you?"

COMPLETED: Dramatically [GrayZa]Where stories live. Discover now