(Prinxiety) tables turned

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Requested by FictionalBoysRock I hope it's what you were hoping for! I may have changed up the scenario a bit but I tried my best!

(PS: yet another shameless self promotion, I made a one-shot including Peter and Loki from avengers you should check it out if you want to it's on my list of published stories)


“We gotta stop meeting up like this.” Virgil grinned cheekily as he helped Roman up from the ground, the drama nerd blushed deeply and quickly pulled his hand away from Virgil's own. He sputtered and wiped his now sweaty hand on his pants. “I-I'm really sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going and—” he was cut off by a chuckle. “Dude, relax I'm not gonna beat you up or anything.” Virgil assured and lightly punched Roman's shoulder.

The boy flinched at the touch, his eyes growing wide behind his red rimmed glasses. The jock, quickly noticing, took a cautious step back and apologized to the frightened teen. “Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Uhm, I'm Virgil. Virgil Bl—”

“I know who you are.” Roman blurted out without a second thought, he squeaked and immediately shook his head. “I mean it's not like I stalk you or anything! I'm not weird, I'm actually just awkward you know? But sometimes I make people feel really uncomfortable which I really don't get seeing as how I'm in speech drama and debate meaning I should be a very good speaker, but people just don't seem to notice you know?” He huffed, face as red as a strawberry. Virgil could feel his head spinning, he took a breath and cleared his mind before flashing Roman another smile. “You really are something else, you know that right?” he claimed with a snicker.

Roman frowned. “Is...” he trailed off, looking a bit confused. “Is that an insult?” he questioned. Virgil's eyes widened and suddenly he barked with laughter, he gasped for breath and hugged his stomach. Roman felt like his face was going to melt off with how hot it felt, he fidgeted with embarrassment and twiddled his thumbs. “I was complementing you dummy.” Virgil said after he had recollected himself and ruffled the timid boy's hair. Roman opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out, he closed his mouth and clutched his books to his chest. “Come on, I'll walk you to class.” Virgil offered with a charming grin, and Roman silently cursed because how dare Virgil throw those smiles so freely?

The teen, after realizing that he had not said or done anything, immediately followed after Virgil. “Ah, I'm supposed to be at the fine arts building.” He explained bashfully, Virgil hummed in response and dug his hands into the pockets of his Letterman jacket. “Chill, so what if you're a little late?” he shrugged. Roman stopped in his tracks, a frown tugged down at his lips. “I can't be late, this is important to me. We're rehearsing for Dear Evan Hansen.” He huffed, Virgil looked over his shoulder and smiled at the boy. “Right, okay let's go.” He turned around and headed towards the gym where the mini auditorium was also located. Roman caught up with him and matched his pace. “You know you'd probably be an awesome Connor.” He stated.

Virgil scoffed, “you trying to flatter me pretty boy?” he teased, Roman fumbled with his words. “N-no it's just you have a lot of potential, and the looks. B-but I'm not calling you handsome or anything I'm just saying you're pretty good looking coming from another guy! Wait...please don't get it the wrong way I'm just saying in general and—” Virgil clapped his hand over Roman's mouth. “Seriously. You need to chill.” He reclaimed, Roman locked eyes with Virgil's own and was awestruck to see that he had piercing gray eyes that resembled a full moon, glittering and shimmering in all its glory. The jock turned away before he could lose himself in Roman's soft gaze, those chocolate eyes made him weak and caused his chest to flutter.

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