(Logicality) protector

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Logan was absolutely fascinated as he looked out the window gazing at the dark sky awaiting the other strike of lightning. Meanwhile Patton was curled up in a tight ball in the corner of the room, he was hidden within a pile of blankets covering his ears and squeezing his eyes shut trying to block out the storm outside.

Logan nearly smiled when he saw a strike of purple and icy blue lighting, Patton flinched at the low rumble that followed after it. “Patton dear did you know that a lighting bolt is about 54,000 degrees Fahrenheit? It's hotter than the surface of the sun!” He explained in awe. Patton quietly whined and poked his head out of the bundle of blankets he was in. “T-that's amazing Logi.” He stammered. Logan turned his head to look at him and frowned when he saw his boyfriend huddled up in the corner. “Love are you alright?” He asked curiously and got up from his spot on the window seat.

Patton nodded and felt relief wash over him when Logan kneeled down in front of him and offered his hand to him. “There's nothing to be afraid of, it's absolutely amazing, and with the pretty colors it's a beautiful sight.” He said with a small smile trying to coax him out of the corner. Patton took a breath and reluctantly took hold of his hand and slowly stood up, he allowed Logan to take him over to the window, but as he did so a loud clap of thunder erupted from the dark sky followed with the dark clouds being lit up with lighting.

The event was so loud Patton yelped and threw himself around his boyfriend's neck. Logan wrapped his arms protectively around his now terrified boyfriend. “I'm sorry, I'm sorry.” Patton whimpered and trembled in his arms. Logan sat on the bed and pulled Patton onto his lap. “Hey now, it's okay. There's nothing to apologize about.” Logan whispered to him and ran his fingers through his hair.

“I shouldn't have-”

“You did nothing wrong.”

“I ruined it-”

“It's not your fault.”

“...Im sorry.”

“Don't be.”

Logan rubbed his back and rocked him in his arms, and each time a crack of thunder erupted he held him a little tighter and comforted him until he calmed down. When he did he had his head rested against Logan's shoulder, his breathing shaky but still slow and deep. “Are you alright now darling?” Logan asked in a hushed voice. “I am now.” Patton nodded sleepily. “Thank you for calming me down.” He mumbled bashfully.

“I'd do anything for you love.” Logan promised. “I won't let anything bad happen to you.” And as if to prove his point he pulled him closer against his body and pressed a kiss on his cheek.

“I'll protect you too.” Patton replied. “I'll fight anything that wants to hurt you.” He assured.

Logan chuckled. “I know you will.”

He lied down with Patton lying on top of him resting against his chest. He pulled a blanket over them and once again began to stroke his hair before he himself drifted off.

And as they slept through the storm Logan was still holding onto him, still keeping his promise.

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