Whumptober day 7 (kidnapped)

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Q: Jack and Sally or Gomez and Morticia?

Pairing: Logicality and Prinxiety

“I'm so sorry, I never wanted any of you guys to be involved.” Thomas cried as he tugged at the chains that bound his wrists. “You had no control over it, perhaps us being brought into the real world was a defense mechanism.” Logan explained as he looked around and spotted Roman a few feet away from him. “How's Virgil?” He asked with a hint of concern lacing his voice. “Still out cold..” Roman mumbled.

Logan sighed. “Same with Patton.” He uttered and turned his attention to an unconscious Patton sitting upright in front of him, just out of arms reach. “For once, I don't want him to wake. He's safe in his dreams, away from harm.” Logan mumbled glumly. And then, as if just on cue a man arrived opening the basement door and walking heavily downstairs. Logan tensed and gritted his teeth as the man stopped right in front of them. “W-who are you and what do you want?” Thomas asked fearfully.

The man laughed. “Well, I'm your biggest fan of course.” He claimed as if it were obvious. He then turned his attention to Logan. “Of course I'm a big fan of the sides too.” He walked up to the unconscious fatherly trait and rested his hand on the top of his head. “Don't touch him!” Logan snarled and fought against his restraints. The man chuckled and held his hands up in defense. “Someone's overprotective.”

Virgil soon stirred as a result of Logan's warning and squinted, he groaned at the splitting headache and made a move to hold his head but was stopped. Roman's heart stopped in his chest as he saw Virgil try to free himself, but when his attempts didn't work he began to panic, he looked around and stopped when he met with Roman scared gaze. “R-roman, what's happening? Where are we?” He asked with fear ripping at his heart. “Calm down love, it's okay you're safe.” Roman assured.

The man turned his attention to the pair and grinned. “Ah he's finally awake now.” He walked over to the panicking trait. “Leave him alone, don't you dare touch him!!” Roman demanded angrily. The man simply ignored his threats and kneeled in front of Virgil who stared at him with wide tear filled eyes. “You're a fan favorite. It's a pleasure to meet you.” As the man reached for him Virgil turned his head away, pressed himself harder against the pillar he was chained to and squeezed his eyes shut. “Don't! Don't touch me!!” He screamed.

Patton jolted awake at the sound of Virgil's scream, his breath hitched in his throat and he immediately saw Logan sitting in front of him with hands bound behind him, next to him sat Thomas, crying. Behind him was Roman shouting at someone, that someone was a man who was kneeled in front of a screaming Virgil. And in that moment nothing mattered, Patton felt his heart race in his chest.

No one touches his kiddo.

“Get away from him! Leave him alone, I swear if you so much as touch a single hair on his head you'll be sorry!” Patton warned. Logan hissed and tried to get him to calm down, but Patton wasn't having it. “Looks like everyone is awake now.” The man stood and turned away from the now hyperventilating Virgil. Patton bit down on his lip and willed himself not to cry, he had to stay strong, he just had to.

It didn't take long for Logan to realize that Patton was trembling, he could hear the slight rattle of his chains. “Patton, ever is going to be okay dear, stay strong. Don't let him intimidate you.” Logan reassured. “B-but Virgil.” He whimpered. “No need to be scared, I won't hurt any of you. Unless you disobey me.” The man explained and stood in front of Patton who kept his head down.

It took Logan everything he had in him to not yell at the man, he did not enjoy how close the man was to his lover. “Just leave them alone.” Thomas pleaded. “Don't hurt them, please.” Tears trailed down his flushed cheeks. “I don't intend on hurting anyone.” The man assured and headed toward the stairs. “Well this is it for tonight, tomorrow is when the real fun begins.” He laughed and left, shutting the door with a loud thud.

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