(Logicality) back home

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Logan was finally going home, he was on a business trip for five weeks and he had to leave Patton, his boyfriend, behind which greatly broke his heart, each and every day he would call him just to check up on him and to see how he was coping with himself. Sometimes he wished he could leap through the computer and envelope him in a tight hug, he greatly missed him, he yearned for him and sometimes the discomfort of not having someone to cuddle with kept him from sleep.

Now after all the waiting Logan was finally going home and he couldn't wait to embrace Patton once again, his arms were literally aching to embrace him, being separated from Patton made him feel like he were suffering from withdrawal, but in a way Patton was like a drug to Logan. He couldn't have enough of him, and without him Logan was restless and worryingly twitchy and antsy, even now as he waited for the plane to land his leg bounced and he mindlessly chewed on his thumb nail.

The hours that passed were torturous and painfully dragged on making it feel like days passed instead of hours, but when the plane finally landed Logan was the first to rise from his seat, nearly hitting his head with the compartments above his head, he gathered his luggage and was out of the plane in a flash nothing else mattered to him he just wanted to go home, but alas he had to retrieve the rest of his luggage, despite his desperation he bit back the disappointment and frustration and got through with the large crowd of people and the rude shoving, and the wait! That was the part he hated the most.

He was never good at waiting, he was always an impatient person always wanting to get things done quickly so that his success would be given quicker and so that he could have more time to relish that success, after the long painful wait Logan was restless and even more jittery than usual which would've worried Patton if he were there, but there was nothing wrong with Logan, he was just excited. Like a puppy who hasn't seen their owner in a long time, that's how Logan felt.

Outside he called for a taxi and hurriedly threw his luggage into the trunk without hesitation as soon as the car arrived, he then climbed into the back seat and eagerly buckled himself up telling the driver his destination, now he would be lying to himself if he said he wasn't worried about a random man knowing where he lived, but right now his mind was set on going home and that seemed to be the least of his worries.

He looked out the window watching the airport disappear behind him and familiar buildings zoomed by, his heart hammered against his chest in anticipation, his chest felt like it were filled with sunshine making him feel warm and cozy inside, he had been extremely home sick and seeing the familiar sites was enough to enlighten him and lifted a heavy weight off his shoulders to the point where he could finally breathe.

Finally after about thirty minutes Logan recognized the street the cab was going down through, he gasped and straightened his posture to get a better look out. “This is the place, you can stop right in front of that house.” Logan instructed the driver, the car came to a slow stop and Logan happily paid the driver an unnecessarily huge amount of money. “Thank you so much for making the ride as quick as you could.” Logan praised the now shocked driver and got his luggage before he waved the driver off.

He turned around and took a breath, he was finally home.

He got his key from one of his bags and didn't even hesitate to unlock the door to his house, he swung the door open and set his luggage on the ground and closed the door behind him. “Patton, I'm home love!” He called out happily with a smile playing at his lips, there was a loud squeal upstairs and Logan walked towards the noise and waited at the bottom of the stairs, when Patton appeared he took one look at Logan and smiled brightly, he ran down the stairs and tripped into Logan's arms.

Logan steadied Patton before he wrapped his arms around him and gave him a tight squeeze, Patton giggled and returned the hug, a long moment passed and none of them didn't give a care in the world, Patton remembered a certain something that he kept a secret till now and reluctantly pulled away from the embrace giving Logan a guilty looking smile. “I got a surprise!...” He exclaimed trying to sound happy but his voice wavered with obvious anxiousness which worried Logan.

Patton led him to the living room and told him to wait before he dashed back upstairs, he later returned with a bundle in his arms and another guilty smile on his face, he almost looked sad, and he walked up to Logan. “I'm really sorry Logan I know I should've told you beforehand but I couldn't spend another day alone, I really couldn't.” He explained and then revealed what he had in his arms, it was a cute fluffy puppy.

Logan let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and chuckled happy that it wasn't anything bad, Patton stroked the puppy's head and back. “I named him cookie, he was taken from his mommy and I just had to get him.” Patton cooed at the pup. “Well he is cute...” Logan mumbled and stepped closer to get a better look at the puppy. “I suppose if he makes you happy we can keep him.” He said, Patton squealed happily and excitedly and moved forward giving Logan various kisses on his face.

Logan chuckled and returned a couple of the much needed kisses. “Now we can be a family! I bought him some food and his bowls, I wanted to go shopping with you so we could buy cute little costumes for him!” He jumped on his toes trying to hold in his excitement. “Yes, we can go tomorrow, but can I just hold you for a while more? You have no idea how long I've been waiting to see you, and hear your voice, and hold you again.” He softly smiled at him.

Patton returned the smile and pressed himself against Logan resting his head against his shoulder as the puppy in his arms slept. “You have no idea how much I've missed you too." He mumbled. And for that moment, they were once again whole.

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