Whumptober day 14 (tortured)

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Q: do you get scared easily?

Pairing: Logince

Roman bit back a scream as his torturer once again sliced at his skin, blood dripped from the open wounds, tears stung his eyes and threatened to overflow. His teeth bit down on his bottom lip nearly breaking the skin, Roman just wanted to go home.

He didn't like this, he just wanted to be home with his family and loved ones.

He just wanted the pain to stop...

He cried out as the man in front of him slapped him hard across his face leaving a dark red handprint on his cheek. His tears spilled and stung the mark on his face, he fought against his restraints, tugging and pulling at the rough rope that bound his wrists. The man laughed at his pain and walked over to a chest, searching for his next torture device.

Roman tried to focus on his breathing, the edges of his vision blurred and his heart pounded sporadically in his chest. The man soon returned with a whip in his hand, Roman pressed himself against the chair he was tied to and squeezed his eyes shut, wanting to escape this, wanting to get away. Wanting it to end.

The whip came down on him, tearing at his clothes and already damaged skin, he cried out, his throat ripping painfully, as if a knife had been jabbed through his throat countless of times until he could no longer scream. He sat limply on the chair, his shoulders slumped and his head down, his shirt was soaked with his blood. His body ached, breathing hurt, his throat hurt.

Everything hurt.

Wheezes ripped through his chest, tears dripped from his face and joined in the puddle of blood beneath him. He was so tired, exhausted. His eyes closed.

Another lash.

He jolted and screamed.

More pain.

More aching.

Endless pain.

It had no end.

He just wanted to make it stop.

Make it stop....

Oh God please make it stop.

A crash, a thud, a door being thrown open.

Roman was in a horrible state. Most of his blood was soaked into his clothes and puddled under his feet. His chest rose and fell slowly, softly, weakly.

His vision blurred and his hearing faded.

He closed his eyes, oh he was so tired...

“Roman!” Someone shouted his name.

Strong hands took a firm hold of his injured shoulders, he jolted and screamed.

No more.

He didn't want anymore pain.

He tried to back away as much as he could, but it was useless. He was trapped, imprisoned.

“Roman it's okay, it's me Logan! It's okay, shhh no one is going to hurt you ever again I promise.” The intellectual trait assured while Virgil untied the rope from the prince's injured wrists. Patton was with Deceit and Remy who beat the man who had dared hurt their prince, and by the time Roman was free and unbound the man was near death and tied up.

Logan caught Roman in his arms and held him, shushing him as he cried into his chest and winced at any little touch. He was covered in cuts and bruises, Logan had instantly been covered by his blood and felt a lump form in his throat. “We got to get him out of here and get him some help.” Virgil said. Logan nodded and gathered the weak prince into his arms. “Let's go, Roman can you hear me?” He looked down at the dazed trait. He nodded slowly.

“Hold on okay? We're going to get you some help.” Logan pleaded. Roman leaned his head against his shoulder and nodded once more before letting his eyes close shut.

Soon the others joined them and together they ran out to save their prince in need.


Logan shushed Roman as he jolted up from the bed, he trembled and cried and clung to him. The logical trait felt his heart break and held Roman as tight as he could without hurting him. “It's okay love, it was just a bad dream. You're safe, I promise. I'm here. There's nothing to be scared of.” He cooed softly and stroked Roman's hair. The prince cried into his chest and clutched onto his shirt taking fistfuls of it. Logan rocked him in his arms and whispered sweet nothings into his ear trying to calm himself down.

“You're safe now, no one is going to hurt you ever again.” He promised.

Slowly, Roman calmed down and sagged against his chest, his eyelids drooped and his grip loosened.

He was okay.

No one was going to hurt him.

He was safe, tucked in Logan's arms and breathing in his comforting scent.

He was okay....

Sanders Sides OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora