(Prinxiety) claustrophobic

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extreme or irrational fear of confined places.

Virgil had to move, if he didn't he would surely panic. Thomas had promised to fix the bathroom door days ago, and unlucky enough Virgil was the one who had to prove that he lied, he had went into the bathroom to apply his eye shadow and when he was done he twisted at the stuck doorknob, when the door didn't budge he tried again and again until it was obvious that the door was not going to open.

He first calmed himself trying to calm his racing and took a couple of seconds to recollect his thoughts, he was able to fully twist the knob and pushed the door more firmly, it still didn't budge. He felt the blood drain from his already pale face and he staggered back, his breathing quickened and his hands trembled, he couldn't be stuck in there. He did not want to be stuck in such a small room, he could call someone for help, but the situation he was in was too embarrassing how would the others react if they found he had gotten himself stuck in the bathroom?

He whimpered and buried his face in his hands sucking in a few more breaths until he was sure he could breathe without edging close to an attack, he settled himself on the toilet seat cover and thought up of another solution, he cursed himself for leaving his phone on his bed. He stood after a minute of thinking and paced around the small space silently counting to himself to keep himself from panicking, he was easily getting antsy and fretful.

The more perturbed he got the more agitated he was, he tried his breathing techniques once more but he was prone to the fear that poked at him and trickled from his chest making his heart pound like he were having a sugar rush, he was definitely apprehensive worried that if he didn't do anything soon he would only get worse, and that was what happened.

He took notice of everything around him, how the faucet of the sink was still dripping with water, how the silence dragged on dreadfully, how his breathing came in and out in short gasps, and how the walls began to close in on him. Now he knew he had to get out, no, he needed to get out. He rushed back to the door and twisted the knob more frantically this time, a desperate cry escaped from his throat and passed through his lips before he could stop himself.

He fell to his knees in defeat and wrapped his arms around himself trying to control the shudders that racked through his body, he parted his lips knowing who he could call without feeling embarrassed "Roman!" the words ripped through his throat, he waited for a moment before he called for him again, this time he banged on the door with his fists trying to make as much noise as he could not caring about his dignity, he just wanted to get out.

Even so he still called out for one person. "Roman! Please, please get me out!" He yelled louder than he ever imagined he could and before he knew it frantic footsteps were heard and someone called his name, he called for Roman once more still hitting the door until finally someone found where he was. "Virgil!? Is that you?" Virgil was a little relieved to hear Roman's voice, but right now the only thing that ate away at him was fear.

Roman who was at the other side of the door grasped at the doorknob and tugged at it, when he realized what the situation was he braced himself. "Virgil love, I need you to move out of the way for me okay? I'm going to break the door open." He waited for a response, he grew worried when silence dragged on and he hoped Virgil didn't pass out, but relief instantly washed over when he got a shaky response.

He took a few steps back and without hesitation he rammed into the door and forced it open with a loud crack followed after, he stepped in and his heart broke as soon as he saw the trembling male on the ground, he fell to his knees in front of him and immediately pulled him into his arms rubbing soothing circles into his back. "I got you, everything is okay now I promise." He whispered to him and carried him to his room.

They both sat on Roman's bed both refusing let each other go, when Roman shifted on the bed Virgil immediately squeezed him tight. "Calm down, I'm not going anywhere." He reassured and kissed his cheek, and they both just stayed there until Virgil was calm enough to speak. "S-sorry, my claustrophobia acted up an-and I couldn't con..control it." He stammered and rested his head against his shoulder. "It's alright, next time don't hesitate to call for me or anyone else. No matter what I'll always be there to help, the others will too." Roman stated, Virgil drew in a breath and held Roman's hand in his own. "Thank you Roman...I-I love you." He blushed.

Roman chuckled placed a kiss on his collar bone earning himself a small squeak."I love you more." He said cheekily, Virgil rolled his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of comfort and love, he was finally at peace in the arms of his prince charming.

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