Frank 13

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Percy suggested that I should start the game. I had no idea who to ask and what to ask. I decided that since Jason started this I should ask him first. "Jason, Truth or Dare?" Jason shifted across from me "Dare". "Ok... I dare you to walk into the Aphrodite cabin with your shirt off. Percy sniggered and Jason rolled his eyes. "Fine".

  5 minutes later

Jason came back out of breath and covered in lipstick. Leo started laughing. Leo hadn't laughed in a while and it felt nice to hear him laugh again.

Jason sat down and glared at Leo. Jason asked Leo truth or dare a haunting glint in his eye. Leo replied dare and Jason grinned evilly. "I dare you to march up to Olympus and bring Calypso back down". Leo turned white as a sheet. Annabeth and Percy looked suprised and whispered to each other occasionally mouthing things to Leo and Nico. I was really confused. The room was silent until Annabeth spoke up. "Jason, how did you know about Calypso?" Jason looked up " Leo told me". Jason was giving me a weird vibe. Hazel saw my discomfort and touched my hand reassuringly. At Jason's words, Annabeth looked worried and whispered something to Nico who lead Leo outside. I was real confused.

I listened for what Nico and Leo were saying all I could here were murmurs. Annabeth glared at me the and I gulped, she could be so scary sometimes.

Leo and Nico came back in, Leo looked like he'd been crying. I felt bad for him, I knew he loved Calypso and hearing he might never see her again was heartbreaking. If he for some reason might not see Hazel again would break me. Percy spoke up " Jason that was uncalled for why would say a thing like that." Jason looked Leo dead in the eye and said " oh I didn't know he liked that Sea Hag" Pipers mouth dropped open. "Jason!", Piper looked appalled at his words. Nico eyes went dark. I could feel all the anger in the room directed at Jason. I sat there and squeezed Hazel's hand. Jason looked around frowning. "Guys you know I didn't mean-". This time it was Nico who spoke up, "Jason I think you should leave". Jason huffed "fine whatever" and he walked out.

When he left the tension in the room seemed to deflate. No one spoke, and Piper didn't even go after Jason. We sat there in awkward silence....

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