Leo 10

772 13 3

Nico and Jason are in a weird feud and the whole camp is picking Team Jason or Team Nico. I don't know who to pick. Jason are I are closer than Nico and I are...but I don't wan't to get on Nico's bad side soooo I don't know.

I had another dream last night. Hera came to me again and said something like ~you won't have the physicians cure to save the only love you will ever have~ So now I'm freaked out.

A knock at my cabin door awoke?? Me from my thoughts. "Come in". Percy and Annabeth walked in fingers intertwined god I miss Calypso,
"Uh Leo there's a Jason vs. Nico duel in the dining pavilion. Jason challenged Nico to a sword fight and Nico won't back down so, and we were wondering what side you're on."

"Well Nico scared me and from what I hear Jason did I think I'm with Nico."

"Yah death breath can be intimidating",

"Says the twice savior of Olympus" Annabeth looked deep in thought like she was thinking out a complex battle strategy.

"You ok wise girl?"

"Yeah just Jason's behavior doesn't make sense"

"What do you mean?" I asked Annabeth or should a say Annie.

"Well, Jason acted normal when he was talking with Piper but then when he woke up again and was talking with Will he was different and angry at Nico for no reason. Nico also said that when Jason woke up after the latest brick incident he didn't laugh or anything when Nico wiggled a brick in his face. Like he didn't remember or didn't know...."

"Your rambling Annie"

"No she's onto something"

"Says her boyfriend"

Annabeth gasped "Jason isn't Jason" Now that confused me.

"Annabeth Jason is Jason!"

"No she's right someone must've  kidnapped Jason in between Pipers visit and Will's checkup! It's probably a plan to divide the camp, and strike while camps going crazy"

"Dude I still think you and Annie are going crazy"

(A/N is Jason really Jason or was he kidnapped? Dun dun dunnnnn!)

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