Annabeth 6

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I walked to Percy's cabin at first light to find him in a deep sleep. I sat down on his bunk and run my fingers through his messy hair. Then I notice the drool on his pillow almost making me smile, but he thrashed screaming "NO!". I pulled him in my arms and rocked him. After a few minutes his seaweed green eyes looked up at me. A smile crossed his lips instantly replacing the haunted look that he always had after a nightmare. "Hey wise girl" I smiled " Good morning seaweed brain." I stood up and looked around the cabin at all the pictures of us as Percy got ready for the day. We walk outside thinking of old times our fingers laced in another. I glanced at the place where his white streak of hair was, where his Achilles heel was, and his eyes, his eyes had dulled a little after Tarturus, but I swear they were growing brighter each day. We walk down to the beach naturally, I lean on him the waves lapping our feet. "Are you excited for truth or dare?" I ask. "Huh?" He looked at me confusion written on his face. I try not to laugh. "Percy!" I scold. "Didn't you get my note.?!" "Oh yeah!" I hit him on the head "you are such a seaweed brain." "Hey!" He whined. Just then we heard the conch horn Signaling it was time for breakfast. We ran to breakfast racing each other. We finally got there out of breath panting. Percy and I sat down at Percy's table nobody even raising an eyebrow. Chiron simply nodded after our arrival, since Tartarus we have always done everything together. Sometimes we would have flashback which were worse than nightmares, and I always needed Percy to calm me down and he well needed me to calm him down also. Percy had you guessed blue pancakes with a can of blue Diet Coke. For breakfast I had scrambled eggs,toast, and a glass of orange juice.After breakfast, we met everybody at Percy's cabin go the second round of truth or dare. Percy got out his bag of 500 little grass blades. Piper inspected and counted every single one. Surprisingly Percy got exactly 500 and they all passed Piper's inspection. "Wow Percy can count to 500," Leo said and he actually sounded really surprised. Percy looked a little sheepish. "What Percy?" I asked "well I kinda counted in Greek...I can't count in English up to 500." Percy said shamefully. Leo laughed but I glared at him shutting him up. We all sat in a circle me leaning on Percy. "Alright, Hazel truth or dare?"

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