Percy 5

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  When Piper looked at me, I gulped not many things scared me but Piper playing truth or dare was one of them. "Truth or dare?" well let's see I don't want to look weak in front of my wise girl but I am also afraid of what Piper might do. I sat with a funny expression on my face thinking until I was interrupted by Annabeth waving her hand in front of my glazed eyes. "Alright, I pick dare"Piper smiled "I dare you to go outside and pick exactly 500 blades of grass with a pair of tweezers." My jaw hit the floor." aww pipes don't do that to me" I wined Leo handed me a pair of tweezer from his toolbelt that for some reason he was wearing. I looked at the tweezers and saw it had written on it the letters swam until I got a grip on what it said."Hurry up Aquaman"Leo laughed. I walked out the door with the tweezers and started clipping. I kneeled on the grass clipping it and putting the prices into a plastic bag counting as the went in. Some demigods stopped and asked what I was doing. I told them "oh it's just a dare" they would always laugh every person and then keep walking. An hour later Mr. D walked up to me and asked what I was doing, well he actually said: "Perry Johnson what are you doing?" "Oh hey, Mr.D umm I'm just trimming the lawn." "Huh, I always thought you were a strange kid."Then Mr.D walked off.490,491,492,493,494,945,496,497,498,499. "500!!" I shouted zipping the bag closed. I stood up looking at the sky surprised to see it turning vivid colors. The sun was setting, I had spent all day picking stupid grass. I headed back to my cabin finding it empty but on my bunk was a note, I didn't have to read the name at the bottom to recognize Annabeth's neat handwriting.  

According to Conner and Travis, we will continue truth or dare tomorrow. I hope you didn't stay up too late picking grass. Love you seaweed brain.

- Wise Girl

(A/N next chapter there is going to be some Percabeth moments. I have mostly been doing the different characters but there will be a couple more chapters of Percy and Annabeth than other characters. If you want to see a specific character in the story just comment and I will try to fit the character in ASAP.)

The seven truth or dareUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum