Movie Stars Pt.2 The Sabotage

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"The main character is...." Kagura started.
"Please be me. Please be me..." Tere thought, with big shining eyes.

Everyone except Tere clapped with excitement.
"Congrats Tsuyo, your character is Wynnie!" Kagura smiled ,"Wynnie is a kind, loving, helpful, athletic girl who always protect her family and friends. Almost like you, actually.. She looks tough in the outside but such a softie in the inside!"
"Okay, who am I???" Tere shouted, impatiently tapping her foot.
"Patience, child." Tsuyo said.
"Saku, you are Tiffany. She is a talented, kind and quiet little girl, just like you. She loves to draw chibi... And she is also Wynnie's bestest friend." Kagura explained. Saku nodded and smiled warmly.
"Yuto......You are....... JACK!! Quiet, cute, kind, helpful and surprisingly, Wynnie's boyfriend!" The director said. Tsuyo and Yuto blushed bright red.
"Yuya, Max. A smart, funny and entertaining boy. He is also friends with Wynnie and has a crush on-"
  "Let me guess..." Tsuyo interuppted ,"Tiff?"
  "Correct!" Kagura smiled. Saku and Yuya's just stared at her in shock. Their cheeks were as red as Yuya's hair.
  "Mizuki is Josephine. Wynnie's adorable little sister. She is helpful and kind as she loves having fun."
  "Yugo is Jacob. He is really really annoying. And loves to ride on motorcycles."
  "HEY!!" Yugo pouted ,"I'M NOT ANNOYING!!"
  "Tere is Bianca!"
  "Cool!! She is beautiful and cute like me??" Tere said, flipping her hair.
  "Umm....... She is..... Mean and... A bit of a show-off. " Kagura answered.
  "Make sense." Yuto agreed.
  "Eddie is Sharon. She always ignore people and is super mean and she always shout at people who did absolutely nothing (like irl)."
"That fit meh perfectly!!" Eddie beamed, clapping her hands.
"Akira is Jake. Like Jake and the Neverland pirates. (Cus Akira has an eyepatch and most pirates has eyepatches) He is mostly mean and likes to judge people. But sometimes he is kind and helpful to his friends."
"Okay. Here is your scripts." Kagura said, handing pieces of paper to each actor or actress ,"Recite them at home and remember to be back after school."


" I need to figure out how to sabotage Tsuyo so that I could steal her part...." Tere thought.
"I GOT IT!!!" She cried, leaping from her bed.

I will send a fake letter from Yuto to lead her to a warehouse and lock her inside! Then, I will tell Kagura-san that Tsuyo was really sick and she wants me to take over her part!! My plan has to work!!

-Next Morning-

Tsuyo's POV

  "I'M SORRY!!!!" I said. I got Yuya as my partner for my science project about Lunar Eclipse and Saku was really mad at me. She just stared at me in a not good way, making me have chills down my spine.
  "Fine." Saku finally replied ,"You should be lucky that you're my best friend because if you're not-" Suddenly, a stupid bird dropped a letter on her head.
  "Is there a solar eclipse?" Saku asked as I laughed, taking the letter off.

Dear Tsuyo,
  Can I talk to you in private in the warehouse near the bus station? It's really important. I promise it'll only take a minute!!
  See you there!!
P.S. Don't let anyone follow you.

  "Okay. I'll be in the studio in a minute. Yuto wanna talk to me." Tsuyo called out ,"See ya!!" Saku frowned as she stared at Tsuyo and back at the letter.
  "This looks suspicious..." Saku muttered, taking a closer look. She then realized that there is a stamp on the other side. The stamp was violet with a orange strip in the middle and a drawing of a strange bird. The bird is called the Swamp Bird, it smells like hell and it's from where Tere is from.
  "WAIT!!" Saku gasped ,"Tsuyo has been tricked!! Tsuyo!!!!!" She ran towards the bus station but was stopped by someone.
  "I won't allow you to pass."he said, grabbing her arm and dragging her.

To be continued....

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