~Camping trip~

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Yuto's POV
Me and Tsuyoshi wanted to go to the Emerald Woods on Saturday. I waited for her in her house while she packed up her stuff. After a few minutes, we're ready to leave. We used a big car which was driven by Tsuyoshi's father.

"Are you sure you can be safe?" Tsuyoshi's dad asked her as she hopped off the car.

"Of course!" Tsuyoshi smiled ," I'm eleven remember? Besides Yuto's here to watch my back!"

"Oh yes.." he mumbled as he stared deeply into my eyes ," Yuto...Well, have fun, you two!"

He got in his car and waved goodbye before he drove off.

"I'm hungry.." Tsuyoshi groaned as her stomach rumbled.

"What!?" I said, surprised ," You just ate a few minutes ago!"

"You mean a few HOURS?" She corrected.

"Okay, okay." I assured her, walking towards a nearby river,"I'll catch some fish.."

"I wanna come with you!" Tsuyo shouted, running towards me.

We both stopped at the river and I began to catch some fish.

"Here's one!" I called out, tossing a big fish to Tsuyo.

"Got it!" She said, putting the fish into a bucket.

After I caught a few more fish, we set up our camp. While I was setting up our tent, Tsuyo cooked our dinner.

"Wow, Tsuyo!" I commented, munching on the cooked fish,"The food is delicious!"

"Oh, thanks.." she blushed, holding a plate of fishes.

After dinner, we washed ourselves in a lake.

"YUTO!!" Tsuyoshi screamed as I rushed towards her.

"What happened?" I shouted, holding a tree branch and waving it threateningly.

"L-look.." she whispered, eyes glowing. She was pointing at a shimmering waterfall. A beautiful rainbow formed above it, making it prettier, but not as pretty as her.

"So this is nature.." I thought to myself.

"Let's swim here tomorrow morning before my dad comes!" Tsuyo smiled.

We went back to our tent and went inside.

Tsuyo's POV
"Night, Yuto.." I smiled, cuddling my Litten doll.

"Goodnight.." he whispered softly as he tucked me in.

We both had a really good night, eventhough we slept in bags.

I woke up extra early to find breakfast for us. I picked berries and googled it to see if it is poisonous. When Yuto got up, his breakfast was ready for him.

"Yum yum!" He said, rubbing his hands together before eating," Tsuyo! You never fail to amaze me!"

After breakfast, we hurried to the waterfall. Yuto grabbed my hand and dived towards the water, dragging me along with him.

"Yuto!" I giggled as he moved my hair to the side.

We played there for a while, till 9:00.

We both changed our clothes and packed up. A few minutes later, a loud BEEP echoed through the woods and my car appeared. We hopped in and went home.

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