Valentine's Story

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Tsuyo's POV
Today was VALENTINE'S DAY! And after school, Yuto promised that WE'D go to a park.

I was super excited cause the park was one of the most famous tourist area in Japan! I mean- how cool is that??

It's called the Valentine's Park known to create love and happiness towards the visitors. I've never been there but Yuto said that it's really big and there is lots and lots of hills.

Anyway, school had end and Yuto is currently buying the tickets.

"Okay everyone, get in the train." he said ,"This train will lead us directly to the park."

"I got my camera ready!!" Sakura smiled happily, holding a brand new camera from her 12 birthday.

-time skip-

"Wake up!!! We're here!!!" A voice screamed into my ear.

"Wha-" I mumbled, opening my eyes ,"Oh okay, but next time, shake me first, I don't wanna go deaf. Okay, Mizuki?"

"Yeah sure.." she muttered, rolling her eyes.

"Uhh why are the trees pink?" Sakura asked.

"There's a story behind that." Yuto replied ,"So there was this couple who has been separated and brain-washed, the man, called Corrin, turned to a dragon beast while the woman, called Ellie, was unharmed. Then one day, they finally met again, having their memories back, however their parents disliked them and tried to separate them, thankfully, they can visit each other once a year. Their love makes the trees pink and the grass red, but it only happens in a certain area. And that day is today."

"That's a sad story." Sakura said, wiping her tears.

"But where are they?" Mizuki asked, looking around.

"Follow me."

We walked inside and to the fountain, there stood a dragon and a girl statue staring towards each other and smiling.

The girl had short red hair and a cheerful smile while the purple dragon had a mysterious look on its face.

"Hey that looks like you too!!" Mizuki pointed out.

It sure does...

"Wow this place look like a theme park!!" Sakura exclaimed, examining the big map placed on the wooden wall ,"Look!! There's even rides!!"

"Yep that's for little kids, while their parents go out to the mountains." I replied.

"But are WE like little kids?"

"More like teenagers."

"Oh. Is there rides for teenagers?"

"No let's go to the mountains."

"Okay follow me." Yuto said.

We went to the back of the small building which revealed jeeps and drivers.

"Get in." Yuto instructed, after discussing with a driver who seems to be named Bob.

"This looks familiar..." Sakura muttered sitting next to the window.

"Is everyone here??" Bob called out as everyone nodded ,"OKAY LET'S GO!!"

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