Road trip Part 2

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Tsuyo's POV
"YUTO!!!" I screamed as a building collapsed on fire with Yuto in it. I searched the area and found him lying on the floor, dying.

"A-are you okay?" Yuto gasped, tightly holding my hand.

"Yes, but are YOU okay?" I sniffled, hugging him.

Yuto stared at me and showed me his wounds.

"Aah you're bleeding!" I cried as I tried to find a bandage.

He slowly closed his eyes, breathing slower and slower.


"Yuto, can you hear me??"


I felt tears running down my face as I hugged him tighter.

"I love you, Tsuyo...." Yuto said, smiling weakly.

"NO!! DON'T LEAVE ME!!!" I shouted ,"YUTO!!!!"

Then, I woke up and sighed of relief.

It's only a dream....

I sleepily grabbed my pillow and walked to Yuto's room. I gently shook him awake.

"Huh??" he muttered, confused.

"Yuto, I had a nightmare, can I sleep with you tonight?" I asked.

"Okay." he responded, moving aside.


"Good Morning, strawberry." a voice greeted me.

I opened my eyes and looked around. It was Yuto. I was about to ask him about what the heck happened and why I was in his room but I then remembered about last night.

"You go wake the others up. I'm gonna prepare breakfast." Yuto said, walking away.

"WHY MEEE??!!!" I groaned, getting out of bed.

I shook the boys awake first.

"WAKE UP SLEEPYHEADS!!!!!" I shouted jumping on both of their beds.

"Get off!!!" Yugo grumbled, covering his head with a pillow.

"NEVERRRRRR!!!!!!!" I screamed, jumping harder and higher.

"You're mean." Yuya muttered.

"OKAY WHAT'S ALL THAT NOISE????" Sakura shouted on top of her lungs.

"SAKU!!! TSUYO'S BEING MEAN TO MEEE!!" Yuya cried, pointing at me.

"Liar." I growled under my breath.

Mizuki popped behind me and scared me to death.

"Haha!! You should've looked at your face!" Mizuki laughed.

"Revenge...." Yugo grinned evilly.

"Good! Looks like you're all awa-" I stopped and stared at Sakura who was sleeping on Yuya's bed with Yuya sitting beside her, playing with her neko ears.

"Get off, Yuya. I'm gonna wake her." I said, pushing him aside.

"You sound like you'll kill her." he murmured.

Yuto X Tsuyoshi Akane | One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now