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Tere's POV
Ever since Yuto ditched me and the date, I always would stalk on Tsuyo and Yuto to figure out how to seperate them. And today, I'll fufill my dream...

Tsuyo's POV
I was walking home alone from my soccer lesson. I heard someone or something popping out from the bushes and attached a plastic bag over my head. Everything was dark, I couldn't really see anything, but I could hear that someone laughing like the Joker.

I woke up and found myself in a cage. I saw Tere outside writing something.

"Tere!" I shouted ,"Help me get out!"

"Sorry hon!!" she called as she gave a piece of paper to a bird.

"What is that?" I asked.

"A letter."

"For who?"

"Yuto, of course!"

"What for?"

"For you!"

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously.

"You'll see!" she cackled.

Then suddenly, the door opened. Yuto came inside, looking really really sad. I could've comfort him, but I was trapped in this cage.

"Let her go!" Yuto shouted.

"In one condition!" Tere said, eyes glowing ,"Be. My. Duel-mate."

"Never!" Yuto exclaimed.

"Or else!" Tere sneered, pointing at me and making a death sign.

"Fine..." Yuto sighed ,"Just let Tsuyo go!"

"You don't understand!" Tere smiled, pulling a lever,"Witches like me NEVER keep promises! Buh-bye, Tsuyo!" When Tere pulled the lever, the ground underneath me opened, revealing a sea of hot boiling lava. The cage slowly move towards the lava!


"We should give her some privacy.." Tere said, pushing Yuto towards the exit.

I fell to my knees, knowing that my life will end in less than a minute.

"Hang in there, Tsuyo!" a voice behind me yelled. I turned back, seeing Yuto trying to break the cage bars with a chainsaw. Finally, the bars broke and I hopped out.

"I thought you were with Tere!" I panted.

"It's a hologram!" he laughed ,"It'll wear out soon."

Yuto's POV
Tsuyo suddenly hugged me and said ,"Thanks Yuto...."

"C'mon, we'd better get outta here before the hologram disappears!" I said, grabbing Tsuyo's hand.

We escaped just in time before Tere realized that she had been tricked and gone home.

Next time, I should keep an eye out for that witch..

Idea by: beymaster364

Yuto X Tsuyoshi Akane | One-shotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum