Trip to Vale

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Third POV:

Ozpin stands still for a second before carefully turning around and walking over to his desk.  Sitting down he waves for Lightning to sit down.  Lightning doesn't move an inch but does lower the barrel. 

"She is a trust worthy individual.  I trust her with everything" he takes a sip from his mug he pauses "So how did you find out?"

"Your trusty individual asked me a question using my last name" Lighting glares at Ozpin "If she was trusty she wouldn't be spilling info when she's distracted"

Ozpin sighs "Give her a small break she's new to you.  She hasn't yet realized how hard you protect that secret"

"Im done giving out breaks.  She messed up big.  Now I have to worry about the students learning my name" he hesitates "Speaking of you should probably send a bullhead to pick them all up cause I knocked em all out" he takes a swig from his flask " They'll wake up in a couple hours with no memory of what happened.  Two of them will probably remember the rest won't"

Ozpin pulls out his scroll and calls someone.

"You know champ that they will start pestering you about it.  So what are you gonna do now?" asks Qrow

"Tell them no I don't forgive them and walk away.  I mean what else am I supposed to tell them?"

Getting off the phone Ozpin looks at Lighting "I know there are many things you hate but please keep down the violence"

Lightning grins "No promises" before turning around and walking into the elevator.  When the elevator descends Qrow turns to Ozpin.

"Did you see it?" he asks

Ozpin hesitates before carefully asking "See what?"

Qrow chuckles sadly "I suppose you don't know him as well as I do.  That smile you just saw was a complete fake.  He hides a lot of things.  Don't push him Oz he has a lot of anger he just bottles up and when uncorked, that anger rains wrath from heavens"

Ozpin nods and with a sigh Qrow gets up and leaves Ozpin deep in thought.


Lightning POV:

As I left Oz's office I was still pissed at him.  After walking for a few minutes I calmed down. 

'I will give him the benefit of the doubt on the account of Qrow, should he cross me he will die'

Deciding this I looked up to see where I was.  I was surprised to find myself in front of the bullheads that take people to vale.  Pausing I got on debating if I needed new clothes or some food.  Thinking about food my stomach growled.  I chuckled before deciding to eat before I shop.
———————————————————/—————Small Time skip—————-
Third POV:
In a small dusty bookstore of vale a man was busy packing things into a suitcase. When he was almost finished he hears the doorbell of his store ring. Looking up he pales when he sees the last people that he wanted to see. Straightening he forcefully smiles at the two people who entered.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes you can" answers the female "I was looking for a book named 'Don't run'" a taunt flashes in her eyes as the male smirks

The store owner pales even more

"I don't believe I have that book" states the store owner while cautiously looking at the two teens

The female smiles deviously "You should t make promises you can't keep Tucson"

The store owner (Tucson) extends his claws. The two teens smirk when they see this. Tucson roars in anger and is about to launch himself at the two teens when they all hear the door open. The boy immediately turns around and states

"The store is closed so you might want to leave"

The stranger just blinks before looking at Tucson

"Yo you got any fantasy and adventure books for sale? I need to stock up on reading material" He then steps around the teen boy and walks up to the counter.

"You heard me right? The store is closed so leave"

"Not right now it isn't. I need some books" he doesn't even turn around before looking at Tucson "Well?"

Tucson hurriedly walks into the back. The teen strides forward.

"You think your a big boy, huh? I told you to leave so leave or you get hurt"

The stranger ignores him. In rage the teen performs a spin kick to kill the stranger. In the instant that it took his foot to arrive in front of the strangers face, the stranger had got up and grabbed his foot. Then coldly looking at the teen he crushes his foot before whipping his hand sideways launching the teen into a wall. The teen smashes into the wall leaving a human shaped indent.

The atmosphere in the store becomes stifling as the aura of the stranger presses down on everyone.

"You wanna try that again, kid?" Growled the stranger

At this moment the store owner appears from the back. Handing over a pile of books he gapes when he sees the teen boy in the wall with the stranger brushing off his shirt. 

Not knowing what to do the owner blinks in surprise.

"So how much do I owe you?" asks the stranger

"F-forty lien" stutters Tucson fearful of how the boy ended up in a wall.

Handing over the money the stranger grabs his books and walks toward the door.  Before walking out he turns to the boy in the wall.

"There is always someone stronger than you, son.  Don't look down on people"

Silence remains in the store.  The girl gathers her wits before turning to the counter to continue interrogating Tucson.  Yet is surprised when he's not their along with his suitcase. 

Cursing she glares at the teen boy before they both walk out of the store.

Walking away down the street they don't see a shadow flash in an alley following them.

'I wonder how she even chooses people this useless.  Regardless they will die soon enough'

Lightning (Abused Male Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now