New Mission

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Third POV:
In the office of the headmaster we find Ozpin sitting behind his desk while reading a report from a scout. He sighs when he sees the same four words he's been seeing a lot. We didn't find anything. Rubbing his eyes tiredly he sighs as he sets down the papers thinking on how he might be able to find who he was looking for. Lost in thought he hears the elevator ding open. Looking up he sees Lighting walk through with a lunch tray and a lunch on top of it.

"That look doesn't suit you Oz, whats the problem" he states while sitting down and beginning to eat with a carefree attitude.

"Why did you bring a lunch here? Didn't you eat in the cafeteria?" asks a confused Ozpin.

"I got halfway through my lunch before I had to beat some sense into a  bully" he states and looks up "Any problem with that?" he asks daring Ozpin to reprimand him for stopping a bully.

"No, not at all" then pausing to get his thoughts straight he continues "I might need your help" states Ozpin carefully watching Lightning as it was common knowledge Lightning wasn't someone who did jobs out of the blue.

Pausing his eating Lightning looks up "What kind of help? Because you know there are some things I left behind and don't pick up again"

"I need you to find a tribe of people who have been evading everyone for the past years. I need to talk to their leader. So I want your help in bring them in" states Ozpin leaning back and watching the gears turn in Lightnings head. After a few moments Ozpin sees the fork hes holding start to bend as his eyes grow cold and his face hardens. Ozpin finds himself holding back a flinch when a cold gaze burns into his soul.

"You want me to find one of the people I want to forget" he demands while gripping his fork. Ozpin watches as Lighting fights to stay cool. Setting his tray down he stands up and setting down the bent fork he stares down at Ozpin "Give me one good reason I should do as you ask. Is there some big reason you need to talk to her?"

"I just need to ask a few things that concern the safety of Beacon" states Ozpin showing nothing on him face

"Don't fuck with me Oz, for the short amount of time I have know you, you have never given me a reason to doubt you" he walks into the elevator "Don't start now" he warns before the elevator closes around him leaving Ozpin with a thoughtful expression. Getting the feeling as if someone was watching him, he looks over at the window and sees a raven sitting there. Frowning he gets up and walks toward it. When he gets within ten feet of the raven, it gives him a mocking smile as best as it can and flies off. Ozpin frowns even more before walking over to his desk and sitting down.

'Its going to be even harder now that she knows we're looking for her' he thinks before picking up his scroll. Before he can call someone a message pops up.

/I know she was watching and you will owe me for this.  I'm surprised that you didn't notice.  I will not be responsible for the casualties that happen if shit goes south. I will be doing this alone so no one is to follow me/ Ozpin sits back with genuine surprise.

'Here I am being outclassed by a student. But then again said student used to be the best assassin out there and I suppose he made sure his skills never rusted. I hope he'll be fine on this trip' he thinks before wincing when realizing that he might end up with a ton of paperwork if there will be any casualties.


Third POV:
In a little bar there was a person who was just drinking the night away.  The person was wearing a red cape with a sword on his back.  Slowly he was nursing a shot while lost in thoughts.  Said thoughts weren't on the brightest of places.  The fights he's been in.  The missions he's run.  Everything he had seen and done that had brought him here today.  Reaching for the bottle to pour himself another shot when he senses someone else just enter.  Turning he smiles at the newcomer and waves him over "Hey Champ, over here, come join me" the newcomer also smiles "Been looking for you old man" he states as he sits down and pours himself a shot.  Gulping it down he asks

"Have you known Ozpin was looking for Raven?" Qrow tenses slightly before looking at Lightning with genuine curiosity "He has?"

Lightning sighs "And here I thought he trusted people.  Yeah he is.  Just tried to send me on a mission to find Raven.  Backfired on him.  He didn't even see that Raven had been close by listening" he sighs again before drinking his shot.

"You left it behind yet it won't leave you" states Qrow looking over at Lightning who snorts "You know what they say.  You can't just walk away.  I was too good at what I did and for that to work I worked myself to the bone" Lightning laughs a dry laugh "Old habits die hard, old man"

"So what are you going to do?" asks Qrow "You know I stopped seeing them as relatives after I found out.  So I don't care what you do"

Lightning just sits there for a moment "In our world of webs woven with lies and hidden truths we don't often see a clear path.  I'll go talk to her, get a second opinion, before I do shit"

"I'll probably stick around and see if I can find a good bar" states Qrow before turning serious "Listen Champ, make sure you come back alright? We fight together, we die together remember?" he puts out a fist

Lightning laughs a genuine laugh "Don't get sappy on me old man.  I'll come back so we can drink at that one bar you find" then he stands up and bumping Qrow's fist he says

"I'll come back.  I always will" before vanishing.

Lightning (Abused Male Reader x RWBY)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora