Cardins Mistake

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Third POV:
Everyone stands frozen as they watch the kick approach the face as if in slow motion. Ironwood, on some sheer instinct pulls his gun and fires at Lightning. Making both Qrow and Ozpin pale slightly. Without hesitation or breaking focus Lightings hand blurs as it rises in Ironwoods direction. Ironwood's eyes widen when a gun materializes in Lightning's hand already shooting. Two shots, one to counter the bullet and one to knock the gun out of the general's hand. At the same time his foot stops an inch from Winter's face. Qrow decides to speak up.

"Yo, Lightning I know you really want to kill them but someone's gotta lead the military and we both wouldn't have a certain schnee to pick on. Letting them go would be a win, win situation" Winter and Ironwood are both frozen in place waiting for the verdict. Qrow sighs relieved when the tension slowly drains out of Lightning.  Holstering his gun and bringing his foot down he turns to his chair before pausing and turning back.

"Let this serve as a lesson, there is always someone stronger out there.  Don't challenge blindly because the next person won't be nice enough to let you walk away with a warning" states Lightning in a cold voice "Also rarely do I give chances and when I do I only do so once.  Next time you will die." he turns back to his chair and steps forward before stopping and and straightening and setting his hands on his guns

"You sure you wanna do that Winter?  The second you move you will die" states Lightning when he hears Winter tighten her grip on her weapon "If you want to spar sometime I will happily give you an up-close view of the ground but till then stay the fuck out my way" before walking forward and about to sit down before debating for a second and walking over to the elevator. 

"Where ya heading champ?" questions Qrow

"Had a long day.  I need to go grab my bike and park it before someone steels it.  Plus I need sleep.  I'll talk to Oz later" turning to Ozpin "That good with you Oz?" at Ozpin's nod he walks into the elevator with a yawn and the doors close before descending.  There is silence

"I don't like him Oz.  He is too dangerous and unpredictable.  We should lock him up"

"That kid right there had a horrible childhood.  Grew up on the streets and fought his way to the top.  He does things his way and hardly listens to authority.  He's a great kid who had to make bad choices to survive" then glaring at Winter he continues "Never got anything handed to him on a silver platter.  Worked for everything he got.  Also a great partner.  So the day you lock him up is the day I walk away" states Qrow with a level of serious no one had seen before.  Ironwood pauses at that and thinks about it 'Still think we should get rid of him'

"I am surprised Winter isn't dead" states Qrow surprising Winter

"Why does me being alive surprise you?" questions Winter

"Considering that the Schnee family uses faunus labour to mine dust I would have expected you to be sent home in a body bag along with a note that said Happy Birthday" Winter gasps and Ironwood raises an eyebrow "I want him locked up Ozpin" he states

"First of all, we will not lock him up.  He has done a lot for beacon and he is a powerful person that deserves credit for the things he has done.  Second now that everything seems to have quieted down.  I get the uneasy feeling that something is approaching so everyone stay on your guards.  Meeting dismissed" announces Ozpin

Winter and Ironwood walk into the elevator an it descends leaving Ozpin and Qrow on their own.

"Something happened between Lighting and Raven that put him on a short leash" begins Ozpin "we should just leave him alone for a couple day to cool off before we ask him if he can tell us anything. Or else we'll have a repeat performance of what just happened. Qrow nods

"I going to get a drink if that is all" and when Ozpin waves him away he gets in the elevator descends and goes to have a drink.


Lighting POV:

When I wake up the next morning I groan in happiness because I haven't had that good of sleep in a while. Getting up I stretched and hearing a few pops in my back I dress up, strap on my extra weapons and head over to the lunchroom because I'm famished. While walking down the hall I'm whistling a tune I had heard while on my travels and couldn't get rid of. Cheerfully I walked up to the lunchroom doors and pushed them open. As soon as they swung open all the way I froze in rage. Feeling my blood lust spike I walked into the lunchroom with my anger growing every second. For every tug of the rabbit ears my carefully hidden wrath unravels even more.

"Where's you protector now freak. Bet he got scared and ran away" taunted Cardin "He was all bark and no bite" he laughs "You shou-" he can't finish his sentence because as soon as he starts I feel something snap in me as I launch across the lunchroom and kick him straight into a wall.  Before he can fall onto the floor I launch forward and punch him through the wall into the courtyard.  Walking over to Velvet I sigh and sit down next to her.

"How long has he been doing this?" I ask calmly

"Since he started here" I patted her back before reaching for her ears and pausing with a inquisitive look.  She nods shyly while blushing slightly.  I rub the base of her ears, to make the pain fade away, making her melt into it.  I laugh a little while she blushes bright red.

"You ok there you seem to be red" I state in a teasing tone making her hit my arm before hiding her face in her arms.  I chuckle "I'm just teasing you" before I turn serious "Just let me know if he does it again alright?" when she nods I get up and patting her head I walk over to the hole I made before looking back at the lunchroom and all of the people staring back at me.

"Just a show of hands who here wants to be a hunter or huntress when they grow up?" I question and when I see everyone raise their hands I feel my anger spike

"Then why the hell is no one doing anything when bullying happens?  You all want to be hunters when you grow up.  Then start acting like hunters not assholes that preach equality but sit and watch when bullying happen" I shake my head "I'm disappointing in you all" then I look at Velvet and wink "I'll see you around Vel" before hopping out the hole in the wall and walking towards the still immobile Cardin.  Grabbing someone walking by I ask

"Where is the infirmary?" and when they pointed to the far side of the school.  I walked up to Cardin and picked him up.  Sprinting forward about 5 steps I launched him straight for the infirmary.  Then watching as he crashes against the wall I turn to the terrified student next to me

"Thank you" before jogging to the now unconscious Cardin who seems to be on the verge of death.  Grabbing his foot I drag him into the infirmary and drop him onto a bed.  Turning to the angry nurse I glared down her attempt at a lecture on being careful with injuries.

"You might want to start healing the dumbass he will die soon if you don't.  If anyone asks why he's here tell them that he made a bad decision and decided to bully a faunus when I warned him not to.  If they got a problem with that tell them to see me" I stated before walking out while thinking

'Wonder if its too early to get a drink'

Lightning (Abused Male Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now