Muscle Memory

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Third POV:
After initiation everyone had gathered in the ballroom for the naming of teams. Lightning had just relaxed in a corner drinking out of his flask every now and then hearing more than one comment about underage drinking. When someone would walk up to him and tell him he shouldn't drink he would simply give them a death glare and they would back away immediately. Of course more often than not he would be glaring at Ruby and Yang.

Everyone quiets down and waits for Ozpin to announce the teams.

Lightning zones out and doesn't pay attention till he hears

"...Ruby Rose and Yang Xio Long forming team RWBY. Led by Ruby Rose. Congratulations" announces Ozpin and on pure coincidence looks over at Lightning who happened to be drinking when Ozpin said that. Lightning does a spit take and starts coughing. Everyone looks at him in surprise.

Lightning whistles "Damn Oz I didn't know you wanted to bury them that fast. Cause with their leader, it's gonna happen" before Yang can start a fight with Lightning Ozpin calls Lightning up by saying

"Lastly we have Lightning.  Although there weren't enough people for another team, he proved that he could be just as efficient as a team.  So with that I present to you the first ever one man team" announces Ozpin before getting interrupted by Lightning who cough whispers "Two man team" glaring at him slightly Ozpin continues "That being said dorms that are assigned to you will appear on your scrolls. Now I believe lunch is ready" then Ozpin walks off the stage and goes to his office. Lightning meanwhile is hungry so he wanders off to the cafeteria. Grabbing some food he sits down at a random empty table. Half way through his lunch he hears someone cry out in pain.

Lightning POV:
When I look over I feel my anger spike when I see some random guy pulling on the ears of a rabbit faunus.  Looking around to see if there is anyone who would prove to me that they are made of hunter material.  Yet sadly they all look angry but don't want to do anything that will make them the target for bullying.  I sigh as I stand up and walk over to them.  Tapping on the kids shoulder I ask

"What's your name?" surprised he lets go of the faunus' ears before looking at me.  Gaining a cocky smirk he replies

"Cardin Winchester.  You better move along if you don't want to get hur—" before he can finish his sentence I appear behind him already bringing down a haymaker.  One that sends him into the floor.

"Tell that to me when you actually hit me, dumbass" I snarl before backing up and waiting for him to get up.  He gets up in a rush and pulls out his weapon.  A big mace. 

I snort "Is that your weapon?" I asked concealing a smile.

"Yes, you scared now?  You should have left when you had the chance" he states with pride lacing every work.  I laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" He growls

"With a mace that big you must be compensating for something" I say with a straight face. 

There is complete silence before the lunchroom erupts in laughter.  Seeing everyone laughing he rushes at me with a furious bellow.  I just sidestep and preform a spin kick that sends him across the lunchroom.  Walking over I tap his shoulder "Yo you still alive cause I ain't finished" barely conscious he falls out of the wall.  I grab his hair and pick him up.

"Next time I see you bully faunus you will not see the next sunrise" I tell him in a cold voice.  Through the haze of pain he manages to nod. 

"Good" then I dropped him and turn to his friends "You want to join him in his belief of bullying?" They shake their heads hard "Then take him to the nurse" and turning I walk towards my table to finish eating.  On my way there I feel someone tap on my shoulder.  The person realizes they made a mistake when my whole body snaps taught and everyone feels the spike in power.  Without realizing my body reacts automatically.  Subconsciously I teleport to the left while my guns materialize in my hands already aimed at the person with the triggers pulled back.  The person freezes when they read their death in my eyes.  For the space of a minute the whole lunchroom holds their breath before my mind catches up to my body.  The tenseness slowly drains from and I put my guns away.  Rubbing my eyes I sigh.

"Please don't do that again.  You have no idea how close you just came to death" raising your voice so everyone can hear you you continue "I give this warning once.  I don't like getting snuck up on.  And as you have just witnessed muscle memory reacts on its own and the next person will die.  If you approach from behind warn me or you will die" turning to the still frozen person I realize that they were the faunus being bullied.  Sitting down on a nearby bench I pat the seat next to me.  Hesitating she approaches while watching me with slight fear.  Sighing I spoke up in a quieter voice "I apologize.  Out in the world I have many enemies and they have tried to kill me more than once so I developed a defense mechanism that you just experienced.  I'm sorry that I scared you"

She relaxes before saying "It's ok I didn't know that you were that cautious.  I just wanted to thank you for helping me" she speaks up softly "Why did you help me? Most would just ignore it"

"I have a good friend that's a faunus and I have to say that we are all humans no matter how we look or if we have extra appendages.  We all feel pain, we all have emotions and we all bleed red.  There is very little difference in my book.  Besides I hate bullies" you pause and then smile "You're welcome Ms ......" I look at her inquisitively

"Velvet Scarletina" she says

"Nice to meet you violet I'm Lightning" she nods shyly and blushes when I smile.  Reaching up I gently rub the base of her ears marking her blush even more.

"Better?" I ask and when she nods I get up and walk back to my table wondering why she was blushing.  Sitting down I'm able to get in a bite of food before I hear

"Lightning please report to Professor Ozpins office"

Lightning (Abused Male Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now