Forever Falls pt2

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Lightning POV:
Standing behind all of the students I was subconsciously making sure that there was no one behind me. Then realizing what I was doing I laughed to myself 'After so long it became a reflex. After all the worst threats are the ones that catch you napping'

I chuckle to myself.

"Is something funny Mr. (Y/n)?" asks Glynda.  In the background there are two audible gasps that come from two sisters.

When Glynda sees me freeze she realizes that she fucked up and takes a step back.

The temperature around us dropped by 20 degrees.  The birds stopped chirping and the crickets go silent.  The grass around me dies as everyone feels themselves forced to kneel by the overpowering fear flashing through them.  Suddenly they realize who caused it the first time.  They all shrink in fear when I lose my self control. I send a glare straight from Hell at Glynda

"What did you just say?" I roar in my demonic voice.  I see Glynda kneeling on the ground struggling to get up.  I walk over to her without paying attention how the grass was dying wherever I stepped.  Grabbing her jaw I raise her head and my voice lowers to a deadly whisper "I will ask this only once. Where did you hear that name?" All the while glaring holes through her head.

With the overpowering rage I was emitting she wasn't able to resist telling me anything

"O-O-Oz-Ozpin" She stutters

I let her go and step back. I knew I could reel in the wrath that was flowing through me but I didn't want to. Someone had overstepped their boundaries and was gonna pay. Everyone around me flinched when they saw my smile full of anger and wrath.  Everyone's faces contorted in horror when Lightning started bouncing around my body.  In a flash I had gone around them and hit them on a certain point on their necks.  They all dropped like flies.  Stopping in front of Glynda I smiled at her fear before hitting her in the same place.  Then I look at the sky

"Say em prayers Oz your day of reckoning for this mistake has come. I will make you wish you never opened your mouth" I smile again before disappearing in a flash of lightning.
Third POV:
In the office of a certain headmaster, Qrow and Ozpin were in the middle of a conversation.

"It seems that Raven also doesn't want to say anything about what happened" states Qrow while looking a little put down because his sister wouldn't talk to him.

"We might have to ask him directly then" says Ozpin with a sigh "I don't really know how else we can find out what happened" he leans be deep in thought.  Then Ozpin has an idea

"What if we told Glynda to ask him.  After all she had to fill out paperwork on him being here and she is trust worthy so I told her his name-" he pauses when Qrow started choking on the liquor he was drinking.

"Are you insane?" yells Qrow before he grows pale "Who can access those documents?"

"Nobody, because this is Lighting we're talking about I put all of his stuff on paper so no one can take them without going through me" states Ozpin in confusion "Why, is it that big of a problem?"

"Oz you have no idea what you are going to unleash should he find out you told Glynda" Qrow glances around nervously "He protects his identity to the point where you die if you spill or find out" he laughs nervously "I hope he didn't find out yet so we can explain or else he will come hunting someone's head"

Dead silence descends on the two people till Ozpin speaks up

"Is it just me or do you feel like someone is watching us?" asks Ozpin and when Qrow pales and tenses he concludes that his instinct was right about someone watching them.  Then Qrow slowly put away his flask and then spreads his hands away from his body.  Then he mouths 'Not my fault' Ozpin watched him confused

"What are you doing?" He asks in mild surprise.

After a few seconds he relaxes and plops in a chair while Ozpin watches him worried about how sober he is.

Qrow looks at him "That feeling you were getting was Lighting watching you down the scope of his sniper rifle.  And if you make any sudden movements he will send you to kingdom come" when Ozpin just looks at him he continues "I wouldn't be so confident in your semblance Oz.  He somehow learned a way to make 'semblance breakers'.  Bullets that go through your semblance and hurt you" at this Ozpin tenses "I found out the hard way when one night I crossed him without thinking" Qrow pauses in remembrance "he was still young and rash so he sent a shot down the barrel. I woke up a week later with a migraine and one hell of a sore shoulder. I got lucky he moved his aim on the count of friendship and benefit of the doubt" he stares at Ozpin for a few seconds before opening his mouth to continue. Yet it snaps shut when they hear the ding of the elevator. They both turn toward it and they blink in surprise when they see Lightning standing there. What really made them freeze was the assault rifle that he had pointed straight at Ozpin with his finger on the trigger and lightning dancing down the barrel. The look in his eyes promised death if the wrong answer was given.

"Who gave you the right to give out that info, Oz?" sounds the whisper filled to the brim with anger and a hint of warning to tell the truth was plain as day "Choose your words wisely Oz, for they may be your last" then a dangerous smirk crosses his face "After all there's no guarantee that you'll be reborn from a death by this bullet" Ozpin's eyes widened as he froze

The look on Lightning's face was like the devil incarnate.  He scoffs

"I was the best of the best Oz, and everyone had contracts.  No matter how powerful and being the best gave me the right to demand payment" his smile was world ending "Not all payment was money"

Lightning (Abused Male Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now