Chapter 17:Little Lies and Monogamous Relationships

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An hour and a half later the monotonous feminine buzzed again, asking them to put their seatbelts on as the plane was about to land. Vanessa smiled at Ella, the woman she'd befriended in an extremely short while and fastened her seatbelt. Mitch had yet to return. She hadn't seen the man ever since he'd gone to have a conversation with his boss.

Taking a deep breath she tried to calm her raging nerves as the plane landed with a thud onto the runway. When she realized they had safely landed, without the scare of a possible crash landing she unconsciously let out the breath she didn't know she'd been holding all the while long.

The sun had set, and the pinkish-purple sky was what greeted her once she stepped down the flight of stairs following Gabriella Davinci and Victor Davinci who had suddenly materialized by his wife's side. She hadn't gotten the chance to look at the older brother up close, yet from his back, studying his hair color, she realized it was the same shade as Marco's, only slightly more curlier. She turned around and her eyes searched for Mitch once again. Where was he? What was he doing? Which way was she supposed to head? A multitude of questions were running inside her head as she timidly walked alone, towards the waiting carts.

The warm Californian air touched her face causing her skirt to dance wildly in the hair, when she felt someone take hold of her arm, making the tingles shoot in her belly. She looked up to see Marco, who was looking down at her with a slight smirk playing on his lips. Despite of her protesting body, she shrugged off his hand from her arm.

"What are you doing! Where's Mitch?" She spoke through her gritted teeth, pasting a bittersweet smile on her face as she tried to tame her damned flowing skirts.

Something sinister slashed across his eyes in a second before his smirk and twinkle was back onto his face. He grabbed her chin lightly and turned it towards her immediate right. The sight caused her to scrunch her face up in disgust.

There, Mitch was, with a beautiful woman holding onto his arm. She looked amazing. Her long hair sparkled in all their blonde glory. Her flawless figure remained on display with the dress she wore. Even her stupid skirt stayed in place. She looked perfect. They looked perfect together. Picture-freaking-perfect. Is this why he'd brought her here? To show her why she wasn't good enough? To show her she was beautiful enough or perfect enough? He didn't even glance in her direction as they both sat in their waiting carts.

Here she was, standing alone once again. Tears threatened to leak out of her eyes.

"Are we going to stand here or will we go to our waiting cart, lioness?" She heard him murmur close to her cheek. His cool breath in contrast to the warm air did weird things to her body. She shook her head. Cory. She was doing this for her daughter. Yes. Her daughter.

"Why do I have to go with you? Since my date, obviously stood me up, I can easily take the first flight back to New York," she huffed, not budging an inch, watching his smirk deter a little.

He stepped closer to her and roughly pulled her closer to his chest. He stared into her widened eyes. Marco wasn't going to take any of her reservations tonight. She was his.

"You will go with me if I want you to go sweetheart. If I want you to stay the night with me, you will," he pulled her even more closer to him and buried his face in her neck, smelling the chocolate he ached to lick off of her. "Don't try to tell me otherwise," his minty breath was fanning across her neck. The warmth that was pooling in between her thighs had everything to do with the heat that had suddenly pumped up in between them.

"You're mine. I will have you whenever I want," he continued to murmur as he placed wet, warm butterfly kisses along her jawline down her neck leaving a trail of dampness in their wake.

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