Chapter 1: The Arrogant Jerk

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“Hey, Ness! Mr. Davinci just walked in.” 

Vanessa Laurenz noticed her friend Mirah’s up-to-no-good mischievous grin before she slightly turned her neck to glance over her shoulder.

 She didn’t know what Mirrah had meant through the look she had given her, but she knew all to well that it was one that her best friend saved whenever a cute guy was within the vicinity. Yes, she was all too familiar with Mir’s facial expressions. 

Now that she looked, her heartbeat sped up at the sight of the tall, dirty blonde haired specimen striding towards her with a sense of surety and an air of confidence.

If you’re wondering why such a beautiful, Greek god of a man was walking towards her, then let me assure you, it wasn’t because he wanted to exchange a kiss or two, or even pleasantries with her. No, he was striding towards her, because he was the owner of the Davinci Private Limited Companies and her? She was a measly server at this huge and posh company’s beautiful cafeteria. Not to mention, it was her first day at her new job.

Marco Arthur Davinci. His name said it all. He was without a doubt six feet and two inches tall maybe even an inch or two more and had a build, now that she looked closely for the first time, like that of John Cena’s. No kidding. His dirty blonde locks were mussed up as if his very own personal hairstylist had done it for him. And damn, his eyes. They were a shade of aqua and clear emeralds. They were eyes that could hold people captive through their gaze.

She watched as he turned to his left and walked straight towards the V.I.P. lounge in the cafeteria separated by a wall of spotlessly clean frosted glass. Even though frosted, it wasn’t hard to make out the plush leather couches and small wooden tables placed there. As he reached the doors, her eyes widened momentarily as the sliding doors automatically slid open to reveal an almost seventy inch large flat screen television hung against the wall.

Who kept a television that size in a bloody cafeteria? She wondered. Even though that man had more money than sense, it was just wrong to waste money on such luxuries. 

To her surprise, she realized her eyes hadn’t even moved from where they had been transfixed as the doors slid shut behind him, bringing her back to reality and a very much smirking-knowingly Mirrah.

“Ahem! I see someone’s been ogling.” Mir snickered softly and wiggled her eyes suggestively at her and Vanessa turned a shade of bright pink under her knowing look. 

Before she could answer, the intercom buzzed to life indicating an incoming order from the V.I.P. lounge. Vanessa rolled her eyes at the extravagance of the entire situation. What ever happened to self-labor?

“Ben, Mr. Davinci would like a Caesar salad with bacon and cheese along with a Chicken Ravioli. Make it quick.” 

At the mention of a steaming hot Chicken Ravioli, Vanessa’s stomach grumbled almost instinctively making her flush in embarrassment again and Mirrah chuckle softly.

Stupid-chicken-ravioli-eating-richer-than-sense-and-seriously-hot businessmen.

“Oh my God, Nessa! That totally cute guy is checking you out!” Mirrah giggled again pulling me out of my rather narcissistic thoughts.

“Shut up Mir, can’t you see I’m trying to work here?!” Vanessa snapped, getting agitated. She whirled around and went to the counter where trays of food were being set up, ready to be taken to the people sitting in the cafeteria.

“Vanessa, come here! Hurry up, will you now? Paula is stuck on the fifteenth floor with the manager’s P.A. So instead of her, you’d have to take Mr. Davinci’s order to the V.I.P. lounge.” Ben muttered.

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