Chapter 3: A Bastard

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Marco Arthur Davinci stared at his sexy, blonde server. Her uninterested eyes and nonchalance made her even more appealing to him and he felt his smile getting wider. Her quick and sarcastic remark yesterday had been enough to tell him, that he’d found a different woman in a long time.

Sir, with due respect, please keep your carnal desires to yourself. I am your server not your mistress. 

Marco almost smiled. 

She looked even sexier today. She had beautiful blue eyes, he noticed. Her hair was pulled up and her delicate tendrils were skimming down her neck making her look so much more appealing and mouthwatering to him. Hell, she was tall. And in those killer heels, that made her curvy legs look a mile longer, Marco could not help but imagine how they would feel wrapped around him. 

Just the thought, was making him go hard.

“Ms. Laurenz, care to serve me my food?” He added with a smirk playing at his lips. Yes, he had made it a point to inquire about her from his Human Resources Department’s head. And he’d gotten to know that this feisty woman, Vanessa Laurenz was a divorced twenty-three year old, from Houston, Texas. He hadn’t bothered asking about her entire personal record’s file. After all the thought of a company’s multi-millionaire CEO seeming a bit too interested in his cafeteria’s sexy little server did not fit well with his pride. 

“Yes, Sir.” She briskly added and with short jerky movements quickly served his food before him. If Marco had to guess, he wouldn’t have hesitated a second to state that Vanessa Laurenz did not want to be in this room.

The thought both, unsettled and confused him. Was this woman playing hard to get? Yes that was it. Why else would a woman with her social status deny a millionaire? He was definitely going to teach her a lesson.

“Anything else, Sir?” She muttered looking anywhere and everywhere but at him.

Yes you on the table, right now. “No, that would be all.” He added a bit sensually for his taste. He almost had to bite backthe thoughts that wanted to roll out of his mouth.

“Okay.” She added with a nod and turned to leave, when Marco shifted and caught her wrist into his hand, feeling the smoothness and the softness of her skin beneath his. The contact was doing crazy things to his head, he knew.

Her eyes swung to his, and he knew he heard her breath hitch for a millisecond before turning to normal, and her burning aqua eyes turned cold and bleak with ferocity. 

“Let go of my hand.” She bit out. He could see the boiling anger in her eyes and hear the crispiness in her voice. And it didn’t faze him a bit. Instead it made him smile.

“Make me.” He raised his eyebrow. What was she going to now? He’d had his fair share of women. Scratch that. He’d had a lot of women barreling in and out of his life. He knew how women behaved and what lengths they went through, to get his attention. Surely, Miss Vanessa Laurenz was one of those women. And Marco Arthur Davinci knew all too to well, how to set them right onto their tracks. 

He gazed up at her, his eyes unmoving from her face that was now turning red with anger. If looks could kill, he had no doubt; he’d be dead and sent to hell and back, just to be killed again. 

He waited for her answer; instead she just tried to tug her wrist away from his grip. His signature smirk made its way onto his lips.

“Make me.” He emphasized, knowing full well she was stuck. He knew she’d let her defenses down any minute now and show him her real money grabbing face behind the hard-to-get façade she was putting up so well.

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