Chapter 11:

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I wake up at five this morning to the sound of my alarm. I turn it off and dash to the bathroom to throw up last nights food. Once I'm done I brush my teeth and face then walk back to bed. I craw back under it's warmth and fall into deep thought. Finally around 5:45 I get up and go to the kitchen. Once I'm in the kitchen I start making pancakes for the kids. Three a piece. Once I finish it's only 5:50. I decided to go wake them up. First I start with the boys room. They all perk right up and rush to get dressed. Then while they get dressed I walk over to me and khakis room. She is already awake and doing her last minute math work. So once they are all dressed. Shoes on and all. I let them come eat. Once they finish. David starts on computer work and khaki goes back to her room to do her work. I stay at the table. The only one not ready for the day, still in nicks shirt and shorts. I help the little boys with there work. Once they are done. We pack up backpacks and make lunches. The boys go to the bathroom and they brush their teeth while I start brushing their hair. Once they are all nice. They go outside to play. khaki soon calls me to help her with her hair. Once we finish with her hair. I go to my room and throw on my floral jeans and my white flowy shirt. And throw my hair into a messy bun. I go and put on my makeup. Then take out my hair. It's still damp from last night. So I brush it out and then let it air dry some more. Once I finish getting dressed I start on some of my work. I finish my science section review and my history review. Then I pack up my headphones and charger. I have to leave club day early to go get my ultrasound. Once I am packed I go make my nine o'clock protein shake. Then pack food for my twelve o'clock meal. By the time I finish ms. Becca (a friend of ours) she comes to get khaki and Colin because there first class is at nine. It's already 8:40 so they rush to leave. Now it's me and the boys. We decide to pick up around the house a little bit before mom returns home.

Once mom got home we left for club day. And I walked to my first class. After about an hour my class was over and I walked up front to wait on my mom. After about five minutes she shows up and we headed of to the hospital. Once we got there we signed in and got our wrist bands. We waited and waited. Thirty minutes had passed and finally we hear my name. We walked back and the lady had me lay down. She tucked the towel under my jeans and she poured the warm jelly on my belly. And started scanning. She went over the bladder and then the overies. Then she hit the uturus. My mom looked at the screen and jokingly said,

"Any body parts in there?"

The ultrasound technician stated,

"Yup, a seven week old baby."

The look on my mothers face when those words left her mouth. She began to cry and she just cried until we got in the car.

Once were in the car she looked at me and said,

"You lied to me. I looked up at that screen and all I saw was were you had been lying to me for 2 months. That boyfriend of yours better be at the house at six o'clock tonight we have a lot to talk about."

The fourteenth yearHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin