Chapter 5:

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The next morning I woke up. My back was hurt from pressure and my tummy was upset. I turned off all 10 of my alarms and went back to bed.

Once I finally got up my family tried to take me on a walk with them. I didn't want to go at all. But I still ended up pulling up my hair and put on my shoes. Ate breakfast with them. We left the house.

We came home after going on a walk. It was torture. I felt like puking the whole time. I put on a some what happy face and went anyways. As soon as I could I went to my room to start on school work. But I couldn't focus. I was thinking, what if I'm pregnant. What will I do? My doctor was no help. He wouldn't even run a test. I am on my own with this one. I will figure it out myself. In a month if that period doesn't come I am taking another test. That's not drowned in toilet water or use pee that was all water. If it comes out positive then nick and I will figure this out together.

About an hour later I had to go to the dentist and get oral X-rays. I panicked what if I am? I am giving radiation to the baby! What if she gets harmed. But I looked it up.. One oral X-ray is 0.01 rays. You need a total of 10 rays to harm the baby. But I was relived of that. But I did find out I have 6 cavities in between my teeth. That just added the cherry on top of my day.

After that I got home and the rest of my family had practice so I took this opportunity to go buy another two pregnancy tests. Once I got home I just kinda fell asleep, knowing I have to take a test in the morning.

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